Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Redecorate in 2008" - Framing the things you love...

I was watching Oprah this morning while feeding the baby (multitasking at it's best) and one of my favorite designers was on - Nate Berkus. He was highlighting 7 Decorating Essentials. One of them really impressed me ... Frame notes from important people. What a fabulous idea! This has inspired me to find a love note from my hubby to frame. The real challenge in this is picking just the right one since we write notes to each other all the time. You could also frame notes from your kids, parents, grandparents, best friend or anyone else who is special to you. Nate had a note from his nephew and one from Oprah. Yeah, I have a note from Oprah around here somewhere, too! ;-)

Don't stop at framing notes. Find other things that fill your life with love and memories. I found this Lil Davinci Art Cabinet that is just perfect for displaying your little one's drawings. My best friend has her 5 year old's masterpieces framed all over her house. There have been many occasions where I genuinely thought that they were expensive pieces of art! Give your child more space to create and use a larger frame to show it off.

Do you have some old LPs sitting around just collecting dust? Framing these with LP Album Frames would make a fun accent to a game room. This is the perfect way to display your favorite 'oldies' and make the kids say, "who is that?" Just prepare to feel a decade older. Ha!

When on the search for frames, be sure to look at discounted artwork. You may not like the art, but the frame could have tons of potential. Just pop out the picture and insert your own piece! Keep this in mind if you are a fan of yard sales, thrift stores or eBay.

The memories you can frame are endless. Think outside the box and find something you love that you don't want shoved in storage....the lace from a dress, your baby's first outfit, a lipstick kiss on a napkin, an old family recipe, the cover of your child's favorite book...the list could go on and on.

What do you love that you could frame?


Anonymous said...

Wonderful post!!

I have been framing my children's handprints each year. we dip the kid's hands in dark paint and put them on light colored fabric so that it's not on paper (looks better this way). I put them in fancy frames and they look great in the family room!


Anonymous said...

I saw this on Oprah this morning, too! I love this idea!! You have a lot of great ideas. Thanks for the inspiration!

Ashley said...

Oh I've seen these before...they are way cool!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh I just totally love this idea. We have done this with quite a few things. It's so creative and genuine!

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

Hi girl!
I tried emailing you but you never responded.
You won the give away!!!!
Please email me your email address so I can send you your gift certif. :-)


Nasir's Mom said...

Great ideas! I want to frame some album covers and hand prints. Its on my to-do list of this year. As well as some favorite quotes.

Anonymous said...

Flowers are always great to frame, too! I need to think outside the box...these are great ideas!