Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Hubby! Deals for the men...

It's the hubby's birthday today. He's the best. Sorry, you may think you have the best hubby, but you don't because I do. hehehe ;-) He says I LOVE YOU to me at least 20 times a day...not joking. He's the man who gives every Saturday morning to me...takes the baby monitor in the morning so it doesn't wake me up, gets up with the baby, dresses her, feeds her, plays with her ... all so Mommy can sleep in a little. He wants to hold the baby during worship time at church...because it's a special time to give THANKS for her to the Lord. He takes her on a walk every night even when I'm too tired or have other things I have to do. He puts little love notes on the dashboard the night before I have to use the car. He puts the dishes away, does laundry and doesn't hesitate to help clean the house when an unexpected visitor calls 10 minutes before coming over. He's an amazing provider and when I told him that I would be so sad if I ever had to go back to work and not stay home with the baby he said, "I would get a 2nd job before that would happen." He knows how important it is for me to stay home with her. He spoils me rotten with love and with things I totally don't need. I have never gone a second without feeling completely loved and adored by him. The list could go on and on and on, but I have to leave soon to meet him for lunch.

I just hope I make him feel the way he makes me feel.

So in honor of his birthday, I'm going to post deals that men would like...or at least I think they would. lol

He wants about 3 of these. lol
Panasonic Viera TH-50PX80U 50-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV
List Price: $1399.99
Sale Price: $932.14 - 33% off

My hubby loves his....
DEWALT DC759KA Heavy-Duty 18-Volt Ni-Cad 1/2-Inch Cordless Drill/Driver Kit
List Price: $383.68
Sale Price: $129.99 - 66% off
FREE Super Saver Shipping

There's just something about a sport that involves guns that men just love. lol
Paintball WGP Worr Machine Players Kit
List Price: $169.99
Sale Price: $103.27 - 39% off

And there's also something about a man's need to keep his ride nice and clean...even if it's a mini-van. lol
Meguiar's Classic Wash & Wax Kit
List Price: $35.93
Sale Price: $21.88 - 39% off
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping

Could Golf be ANY more expensive?
Callaway Mens X-18 Irons
List Price: $800.00 - $1,120.00
Sale Price: $449.00 - $599.00

For the hubby who should ask for directions, but doesn't...
Garmin nüvi 250 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator
List Price: $472.48
Sale Price: $169.99 - 64% off
FREE Super Saver Shipping

Question of the Day
What's on your hubby/boyfriend's b-day wish list?


Elisabeth said...

Ummm, let's see. More time to go golfing--he got out about 2 times this year, compared with once last year. A new surround sound system for a HD TV that he rarely watches, and, new golf clubs. Yes, even though he hardly will use them, new clubs are always on the list!

Elisabeth said...

Ummm, let's see. More time to go golfing--he got out about 2 times this year, compared with once last year. A new surround sound system for a HD TV that he rarely watches, and, new golf clubs. Yes, even though he hardly will use them, new clubs are always on the list!

Jess said...

Aweeeee, sooo sweet
I DEF suggest a big tv like that one! We have a 55 inch in the living room and i LOVE it.

Happy Bday to Pennies Hubband!

Q of the Day:

My hubby has been cut off for a while. That man has got a 26"flatscreen for the bdrm, a ps3, 2 new laptops and assorted other gadgets lately. Downfall to marryin' a geek.

-Bridget said...

Aw! That's so cute! Great pic too! My hubby is terrible to buy for. If there is something he wants, he goes and buys it. It makes me try to be clever with gifts and buy him things he wants but doesn't know he wants. Ugh!

Jaime said...

Happy Birthday to your Hubby. What a great tribute to him. Sounds like you two are very much in love.

My husband has a ton of Cd's on his wish list, and books too. However, I know he would love to have a plasma tv.

Anonymous said... sweet! Happy Birthday to your hubby...:)

My hubby wants an IPhone...BAD!
I'm saving for one so hopefully soon.:)

~Trish~ said...

Very sweet post :) To answer your question...I don't know...whaaaaaa I don't have one a hubby or bf whaaaaaaaaaaa LOL

Heather said...

I absolutely love the picture of the two of you!

He sounds like a sweet man. You (and he) are blessed.

All the things on my hubby's wish list are over $1000, I swear. So I kinda tune them out, because they are so far out of reach. I'm sure he'd love a motorcycle, a new computer, a plasma TV, etc...

Happy Birthday, Melody's husband!

Huse Yo Mama said...

Seriously, y'all are WAY too beautiful!! And could he BE any better! Good job, dude! :-) Happy Birthday.

Thanks for the list, my hubby's birthday is at the end of October....

BITR Country Girl said...

I found you on the SITS page. I sooooo want one of those tv's! I'm one of those girls who's better at being one of the guys than she is at being one of the girls (I'm one of 3 three girls on both sides of my family) so pretty much anything on that list I'm drooling over right now!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your husband! He does sound like the perfect man! Lucky you! I think those Callaway Mens X-18 irons would be on my hubby's list. They'll stay on his list for a while because I could NEVER afford them! haha

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Such a good post!!!! You do have a wonderful man just perfect for you too. Good followup.

So to answer the question of what is on my husband's birhtday wish list - that is easy and one that I am always sure he will enjoy - SEX!!!

Jess said...

heheh, your welcome! I'm off to go find more creepy pets! ;)

Are You Serious! said...

♥ What a sweet post and he sounds like a great guy. Love the picture!

My husband want a stinking Harley! Which I'm hoping just stays a big old wish for a very LONG time! :)

judy said... do have a special sweetie! What a keeper.
And may I say.....very handsome, too!

I believe he has a wife who appreciates him. That's what it's all about.

The special deals are great. My husband loves, loves his Dewalt drill, compliments of me and the kids.

The Garmin......could we live without our "Linda Pearl" who gets so aggrivated when she says..."recalulating." Gotta have our Garmin.

Happy Birthday to your man. :)

Mari said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby! He is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Awww I can feel the LOVE! You two are so cute together! He sounds like the perfect hubby! :) Happy Birthday to him!

I agree, could golf be any more expensive???? It's just a stick and a piece of metal, why does it have to cost as much as a plasma tv? Alhough, those are some good sales, I won't be buying anything golf for the hubby any time soon. haha

Q of the D
Anything golf related. lol

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

What a cute, cute pic of you guys!

Glad to see you commenting on my site today. It's always fun to chat with you. You weren't on twitter last night, were you? I seriously lost track after a while. There were like 35 of us. It was a terrific girl's night out. Gotta love twitter.

And, Happy Birthday Melody's Hubbie!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

wow, wow, and wow. THAT picture is fabulous? I don't think I've seen a pic of you before.

My hubby is pretty cool though....I dunno?

The love notes on the dash are pretty nice though...

Hmmmm I think the TVs there would be his choice we have never had a nice one. Course we've never had a bedroom set either? Any fab finds in that department??

tiarastantrums said...

happy birthday hubbie - love the pic of you two

Wish list - easy - a night in our bed with ZERO kids for some lovin

Shell in your Pocket said...

How blessed you are with such a great man! My husband would probaly like BOSE surround sound system or maybe the new MAC computer!
-Sandy Toes

Sandra said...

First of all, you two are gorgeous together, goodness what a beautiful couple :)

Happy Birthday to your hubby :)

As for my husband, a new computer is definitely on the list!

tommie said...

First, that is a gorgeous shot! Who took your pics?

His wish list is short.....a two seater convertible...used to be a Saturn Sky...then it was a mini Cooper!

Ms. Tee said...

Awwww! What a sweet tribute to your hubby and how cute you look together. :)
My husband always tells me he doesn't need anything. He's such a sweetie.

Praise and Coffee said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Pennies!

Kim's Treasures said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby! He sounds wonderful!!! You are very blessed!

I think my hubby would want a bigger place for us in Chicago (650 sq ft gets a little tight) or a classic car. More realistically he'd love some golf balls!

Have a great day!

Marie said...

What a great picture of the two of you!! Happy belated birthday to your husband. :o)

What is on my hubby's bday wish list? Hmm... vacation time? Not having to go to Iraq? Electric screwdriver? His wishes run the gamet. lol

Tabitha Blue said...

Wow, what a great post!! I bet he'd love to read that. Sounds like an incredible man! Thank God for the wonderful husbands He's given us!! I feel the same way. Hope you both have fun celebrating!!

Anonymous said...

Came across your blog from another one. Cute blog and that is a great pic of you two. I am the mother of seven little ones. Yes, including a adopted daughter and a set of quintuplets the same age. Then a little three year old. I think of myself as a saver but loves to look and get more information. So, I was very excited to come across your blog. Very neat. My husband's wish list would probably be a nice swiss army watch right now. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful tribute to your wonderful Husband... Happy belated Birthday to him! My Husband is very much the same as yours... it's such a blessing, isn't it? ~smile~

I just found out that his gas grill died, so that is something the kids and I are considering for a Christmas gift for him. Now, if I ask him what he wants, he always, without fail, says... I just want you to be well and always feel loved ♥ ... ~swoons~ Not too shabby for being married 19 years!

Thanks for sharing and for passing along info on some good deals! Excellent photo, too! Hope your day is going well... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Danyele Easterhaus said...

such a a sweet ditty on hubby! as for his bday list, it's always some new techy thing or golf related....or a new fancy pen. :)

Holly said...

Happy belated birthday!

You people are gorgeous!

Jen said...

You guys are a beautiful couple. Sorry I am late but Happy Birthday.

Debie Napoleon said...

What a beautiful couple you make! Hope his day was great.

Mom said...

Well aren't you 2 the cutest ever!Happy Birthday Hubs!

FROGGITY! said...

Keyyyy-uuuuuute! (Cute)
What a sweet post!

carrhop said...

Gorgeous pic of you two! Happy bday to your guy!


oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

Stopping in and reading some more of your blog! Girl we must be married to the same man. Because my husband does all that too. We are some very lucky gals -- you think --. Much Love

Anonymous said...

Aww you two are so cute! Happy late b-day to your hubby!