...I'm posting this photo of our little Pumpkin Doodles.

hehehe Isn't she such a doll? So, we were strollin' around in Target and I found those bows. I had to stick them in her hair right away and pay for them when we checked out. Girls are just way too much fun! I wish it was this easy for me to be cute....just slap some pink bows in my hair and smile. :)
Thank you all for the comments yesterday. I didn't know how that would go over. I did see several people mentioning that maybe that was the correct price because it was on clearance. I thought about that a lot after reading the comments....I still believe I should have taken the money back because in my mind, I had 'taken' it. Also, the lesson may have not only been for me. Maybe it touched the clerk or the manager. Maybe not, but I can remember several times when something someone else did taught me a lesson. Thanks again for all the kind words and for sharing your little confessions! :-)
Oh and there was a request to see the mirror...here it is. It's about 4 feet wide. Photo isn't the best...took it on my cell.

And now time for a few deals that are looming around the net. A few are for Halloween. I'm so not into it yet. I've never been a huge Halloweener...hahaa I said weener. Any who...here ya go:
Save 5% on your entire order at Costume Kingdom
Get 5% off at Costume Craze
Huge selection of Infant/Toddler costumes at discounted prices- Shop CostumeDiscounters.com
Well, what do you know...another 50% off code for Restaurant.com...
Save 50% off $25 Gift Certificates. Pay $5 for $25 certificates.
Use code DISCOVER - Expires 10/12/08
Handbags and Shoes -- Not only do they have FREE OVERNIGHT shipping and FREE return shipping, but you can shop the Sale Selection at Endless.com and Save!

And shoes for the babes...
Free Shipping* on orders of 2 pairs of Robeez Footwear or more!

Save 50% off $25 Gift Certificates. Pay $5 for $25 certificates.
Handbags and Shoes -- Not only do they have FREE OVERNIGHT shipping and FREE return shipping, but you can shop the Sale Selection at Endless.com and Save!
And shoes for the babes...
Free Shipping* on orders of 2 pairs of Robeez Footwear or more!
What lesson have you learned by watching someone else?
This one really makes you think...
She IS a doll!
I learn from many people how to be strong and brave. So many people are amazing in trials. It is always inspiring to me.
What a cutie! I was all about the bows! I actually had a big bow head band on her as soon as they took her out of the delivery room... You think I jest?
Love that mirror!
Back over from SITS! : )
Your little girl is sooooo cute with those little pink bows in her hair! I love that mirror also!
She is so precious! That smile is beautiful!
I've learned so many things by watching other people. I've seen kindness as well as the complete 180 from anything near kind. I try to take it all in and learn in able to contribute more peacefully to this world. :)
Soooo cute!!
I have learned healing by watching my daughters. I am parenting them the way that I wanted to be raised. Just watching them grow heals a lot of wounds.
She IS cute!!
I've learned to laugh more by watching my students (with Autism) laugh at everything!
Want to do a swap? I can make you the shawl! I'm doing so with two other woman; so it will be about 3 weeks or so. Let me know
E-mail me at
bettyjane (at) classicnet (dot) net
Such a delightful picture of your little girl! And I love the mirror.
I learned how to keep my house and serve my hubby from watching my mom take care of our family! Nice question, Melody!
too cute she is
and isnt it wonderful how lil things can brighten our outlook
like visiting your blog does for me
thank you
the mirror really beautiful
great addition i am sure
oh and who do i learn from
funny yesterday it was our puppy
such happiness and enthaisum (spelling?) for just seeing us or the other dogs.
we forget to be happy, so happy our whole body shakes, to see our family and friends!
hee, hee - you said weener! Why are we the only two people laughing at that?
She is a living doll! Dig your toile cover for the cart as well.
For the moms of boys in the crowd, I have finally discovered the equivalent to cute bows - hair gel! I get my oldest all spikey and send him out the door. OK, so maybe not quite the same, but I think he looks adorable.
Too Cute!!!
Lesson I learned was from my good friend Jessica. It was to always move forward with your life even when tragedy strikes. That if you stay and wallow in the tragedy you will never move forward to live a happy life!
Lub lub your baby girl the cheeks kill me dead. Too cute Momma!
I learned in 2000 that life is entirely too short. I lost my best friend, my aunt, to bacterial menigitis. One second she was fine, the next she was gone. She was 27, the same age I am now. It taught me to live life completely and too have fun everyday.
I also learned what kind of Mom that I want to be while watching my best friend raise two awesome kids...
Definetely a deep question for the morning ;)
xo Jess
I live life for ME and my kids (the ones fatgirlskinny mentioned above LOL) because at the end of the day...it will always be the three of us no matter what else happens!
I can't say I learned a specific lesson, but I have learned a lot of my mothering skills by watching one of my best friends, Renee. I started babysitting for Renee when I was eleven years old. She had one little girl then. She lost her husband in a car accident before their baby was born. She went on to marry again and have four more babies (who are now grown and in college). Her kids always came first, and she ENJOYED them so much. She has a wonderful family, and she is the "yardstick" I use to see how I am measuring up in this parenting gig.
Most of the time, I feel like I'm doing pretty well. And when I don't, I pick up the phone and call Renee. We have known each other for over 23 years now. Isabel's middle name is Nadine, after Renee's middle name. And although we don't see other much, we still have that bond.
So, that was a long story.
I see you're gonna get a shawl, too? We can be be triplets, you, me and Becky! How fun!
WHAT a DOLL! Love the bows, too darling. Yes, girls are such fun! Something I have learned from watching someone else? Organization and good stewardship. Contentment with what I have. My sis in law is SUCH a good steward. I took a cue from her and now my life feels so much better (and more God-serving). Cheers!
Sadly, I learned many lessons of what not to do as a parent from my mother. I learned lessons about how to be a good parent from some of my friends mothers, as well as TV shows like Family Ties, Growing Pains, and The Cosby Show.
She is adorable. I could only keep bows in their hair for a matter of minutes then they were out. Out of 4 girls none of them liked or would wear bows when they were little. Sometimes now they will want a ribbon but not very often.
My biggest lesson learned... Not to become stranger with your husband. I had seen so many of my friends parents split when the kids were grown and gone. They no longer knew who the other was and had grown apart. I want to make sure that when all my kids are gone and I'm sitting on the sofa I know who the man is I look over and see and he knows me. We make sure the two of us spend a lot of time by ourselves and keep our relationship strong. Don't get me wrong our kids are very important and are the core of our lives, but we have to be a strong couple seperatly to keep it that way. It's the simple things that you do that mean the most.
Things we do together...
*lunch almost everyday
*goto bed at the same time
*shower togher, hey we're just trying to save water...lol! Besides it's nice to have someone else wash your back and hair. Did I mention the pedicures, oh they are awesome.
*Saturday shopping, yes I drag him to Hobby Lobby and many other stores I sure he would love to avoid.
*Date night at least once a month sometimes more.
And the list goes on, but I've already taken enough space.
She is so cute! And I recognize that red basket anywhere--LOVE TARGET! I watch my mom and how nice and genuine she is with people. I try to be like her but I think my personality is a lot like my dad--impatient and sarcastic so I guess that's one thing I'm TRYING to learn. I wanna be like my mom!
What cute little pumpkin doodle she is...oh my! What a great smile!
I am going to think more on your question...I want it to be good. :)
Great question!
She's a stinkin' DOLLFACE!!! Thanks for posting that picture of her. I don't think I've ever seen her!
What a doll and do happy too!!!
Thanks for showing the mirror it is beautiful!!! Don't you just love camera phones!!!1
I have learned by watching my Dad. He is the best person I know. He traveled alot for work when I was little and when it was my turn to go on a trip with him, we always were stopping to help someone who was broke down on the side of the road. More times then I can remember we were helping people out. He did it them and he still does it and so do I. What a great example.
Such a cute little pumpkin doodle!! She is so sweet. :)
Great mirror BTW, I see why you had to have it.
♥ She is so cute! I love your toile card cover thing! :)
"What lesson have you learned by watching someone else?"
I've learned that I better behave in public because people are usually watching you even when you think they aren't!
To follow up from yesterday's post, don't sweat it. I think we've all been there. I know I have had that happen to me before too.
"I wish it was this easy for me to be cute....just slap some pink bows in my hair and smile. :)" You and me both!
She is sooo cute.
Hee hee, you said weener!
she's so cute! Yeah I wish it was so easy to be cute especially when ur having a bad day @ work! lol!!! btw, thanks for stopping by my blog and playing in my promo- wish you luck!!!
Bows? What are bows? :) We unfortunately don't have the likes of those around this house. Bats? Check. Balls? You betcha. Bows? Nope.
What lesson have I learned by watching someone else? Hmmm....I learned how to effectively discipline a classroom full of eager children by watching my colleagues through the years. Everyone has their own teaching style and methods of this daunting task. I learned some of the best techniques from these fabulous ladies. Changed my way of teaching, I tell ya!
Love the bows! It is so fun having girls to dress up. :)
I've learned so much from watching others. I'd much rather learn that way, it's usually less painful.
Ok, your little pumpkin is TOO CUTE! Oh my goodness! I'm going to have to try and copy her hair style. I hope you don't mind. Sometimes I think I am still getting used to having a girl. Ha! Ha!
Can't wait to ctach up on your blog. I'll read all about your confession tonight. I'm sure its good. :o)
She is just adorable!
what a cutie!!
Thanks for stopping by the fishy blog!
What an adorable picture and nice mirror. That was worth a little guilt. :)
I love dressing my girl!
You, my friend, know what integrity is.
What a cute little pumpkin doodle!
she is so cute - and so tiny!!
It is too late for me to think of cohesive answer to that question!
Whoah! We have that same mirror!! I was supposed to put it up for my bride 3 months ago! =^O Oh well.. once winter hits, I'll have no more excuses!!
I've learned that it is possible to stay true to yourself in spite of adversity...and that you are in complete and total control of your life.
She's just too cute!
That is one adorable kid!
Aw she is very cute!
Adorable baby! Omigosh!
And, as for lessons, what comes to mind first is learning from all the bloggers I've come in contact with lately. I learn so much from how they express themselves through their blogs. From funny to inspirational...
:^) Anna
That mirror rocks the house!! And your pumpkin doodles is precious! I want one just like her.
I've learned a lot of WHAT NOT TO DO from watching my husband. That sounds awful, doesn't it?! Well, it's true.
I knew it was meant to be. I have a cute baby, too. Well, she's 16 now but still uber cute. And I have the baby version of that mirror hanging in my breakfast nook. lol.
what a cutie!!!
lesson learned from watching someone else--- that there is always someone else watching me (namely my children) and to act the way i should at all times to be a great role model.
She is completely adorable!!!
From my two boys, I've learned that the risks are worth the rewards. Today, for instance, I took my 1-year-old to one of those indoor play places - just the two of us. Before I'd have to ensure I had a friend meeting me there (which is so odd since I'm very outgoing - I'm just not keen on going to new places by myself). I told myself that I'm not alone - I have my Noodle with me ... and we had a blast! There are a few new shops in a center nearby that I've been eyeing - maybe we'll hit them next week!
Thank you for the dinner certificate link...it actually worked on all the certificates not just the $25...I got a $100 cert to my sister's favorite sushi place.
I wasn't expecting anything because we live in a small town...yeah..totally excited now!
Good to know that I'm not hte only one who isn't big on Halloween (I mean it's fun and all but I don't need to more than have a costume for the wee ones and a pumpkin). I always feel a like a Scrooge. Wrong holiday, I know, but I can't think of a good comparison for Halloween :)
I love those bows. And I'm jealous of the hair. She already has more hair than my 3 year old. *sigh*
She is WAY too cute!!!!!!!!
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