Good Monday to ya! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I spent two days getting ready for a garage sale next weekend (I hate having a garage sale...I'd rather be the one doing the driving), went to my nephew's b-day party and also spent some time relaxing with a good book. I'm reading Nights of Rodanthe before I see the movie. Not sure if this is a good idea. Everyone knows the book is always better than the movie. We'll see. :-)
I grounded myself from the computer over the weekend and my parents just got back from being out of town for two months so I've been slacking in the blog surfing department. I don't want all my bloggy friends to think I'm ignoring them. I may be a little slow stopping by, but I'll eventually make it over. Don't throw things at me. K? :-)
Here's this week's din din menu amd deals...Monday: Ziti Bake - Super FABULOUS & Super Easy!
Tuesday: Orange Beef and Broccoli Stir-Fry
Wednesday: Chicken and Cheese Crescents
Thursday: Easy Slow Cooker French Dip -I'll post the recipe on Slow Cooking Thursday
Friday: Out for dinner
Head over to for more fabulous meals!
Time for the DEALS ...
Nights in Rodanthe - paperback
List Price: $13.99
Sale Price: $8.39 - 40% off
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If you have a good book do you read it all the way through in one day, take your time or skip the book and watch the movie instead?
♥ I love a good book. If I didn't have kids then I'd read it all the way through. But since I do I have to take breaks (even though I don't want too)! I still like to see the movie when it comes out... :)
Garage sale???? Did you say a week of hard work?? LOL Good luck. I hope yours is successful. This was the first one I have ever had so I was quite surprised.
And of course the book before the movie because it is better. And I use to sit and read book after book through. But old age addles the mind and closes the eyes. So now read and sleep. Sleep and read. Just finished a Biggie book and one of the Red Hats books. Light reads, now time for Koontz again. One of my fav authors.
And of course your one of my 5. Your Fab too you know!!!!
Just found your blog on Sits... Very cute... going to have to look through your recipes...
I love to read, but it depends on the book as to how I read it. There are some books that once I start I can't put down. Yes I will ignore my family and they will be on their own, they have learned to accept this. Along with one word or head shake answers when I have one of "those" books in my hands.
On average I will read 1 - 2 books a week. But I never skip parts of a book. There have ben a few that I just can't get into and will put them down and come back to them later.
And as far as movie vs. book. I normally prefer the book, my imagination is so much better. But yes normally I will read the book first. I have The Secret Life of Bees sitting on my desk so I can read it before I go see it on the 17th.
Okay now that I've written a "book" reply, I hope you have a great day! Oh and congrats on being 1st on SITS this morning!
I love to take my time!! with the exception of the Twilight Saga....I couldn't put those books down.
I usually can't take my time - I read it in one day - if I can!
Wow! I love your site! I am really glad that you visited mine. I will be back:-)
French Dip...YUM! Can't wait for that one!
I read it as much as I can. All the way through. I have even locked myself up in the bathroom before. j/k. not really. :)
good morning! I LOVE TO READ! i am a sucker for christian romance novels (janette oke, beverly lewis, francine rivers, grace livingston hill) b/c they are always so clean & beautiful. i ALSO can read a grisham novel cover to cover... and the movie is so different that i just like both! hope you had a lovely weekend.
I am a junkie for reading. I probably read 3-5 novels a week! I devour them.
I have a hard time seeing movies after I've read a book, especially if the book is amazing. I really feared PS I Love You would suck because the book was sooooo good, but they took some interesting angles that I enjoyed. It kept the romance and love alive, so it worked for me :)
I'm def a book person, obviously lol
xo, Jess
PS Laundry is overrated...But staying up worked out because I got suckered into some Worlds Scariest Places or something like that on the travel channel ;)
Oh my - I SO want to come to your yard sale, especially if you're working on it for a week. I love to read, although haven't been doing it so much since I started blogging. I can't put down a Karen Kingsbury, even if I tried.
That baked ziti looks delicious! As for book reading...if it's the weekend and I don't have anything to do, I'll sit down and read a book cover to cover in one day. If I am busy it might take me three days. I'd rather read the book than see the movie simply because a movie can't cover all the details in a story. The only books-to-movies I've seen are the Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I'm often too scared the movie will disappoint me!
I love to read. I read The Notebook before I saw the movie and I think the movie was actually better in my opinion....The same with A Walk To Remember.
Your menu looks great!
I love to read and would rather read a book than watch a movie. My ability to retain my reading though is zilch so by the time something comes out as a movie, I have forgotten it so it is all new and fresh to me ;) I read too much to remember plots and such. I decided to sign up for just so I could remember what the heck I have been reading :) Yeah, it really is that bad! :)
At this point in my life, it's the book. Getting to the movies is a rarity.
I was at Costco yesterday salivating over their selection of paperbacks. I had to restrain myself and promise to finish reading the three I've already have started!
Ok the french dip has made me extremely hungry :)
I hate having garage sales too. I avoid it at all costs :)
Hope it goes well for ya though! Happy Monday. Great menu plan, as usual.
garage sale - argh! hate those things!
I am doing that rump roast cooker on Thursday - I have ballet for daughter on Thur, so crock pot seems to be the way on Thursday now!!
Books - ha ha - did you not just hear that I read 3 books in 3 days! ha ha - silly me!! I don't get much time to read, so that is highly unusual for me!!
I am not a huge reader but I did read all 3 of the first Twilight books in 10 days. You were not allowed to talk to me :) I am not kidding. ha ha. The 4th one took a little longer. If it is really good, I usually read it all the time in my free time :)
I am not a big reader either. I get so sleepy reading...even when I start to read to my kids...I start yawning. {yawning right now}
I am making the French Dip that's for sure...yum!
I usually read it all the way through and then go on with my life. If it is so-so then I will wait for the movie.
That sandwich looks so good! As far as books go--when I actually do read (haha) I usually have to read it all the way through or I'll just go crazy thinking about it!
It depends on the book...Usually, I can't put it down...reading the second Stink goes to bed, until my head hits the pillow as well.
Just found you over at SITS. What a fun site you have and I love the menu you have set up for the week! Also had to LOL about being on weekend restriction from the computer.......I so need to do that!
I just had to check out the 'first commenter' on SITS! I love your profile picture!
I think I'm just gonna see the movie, whenever I read the book I'm always sooooo disappointed by the movie. It's gotta be one of the other w/ me.
I LOVE that you share your week's menu! What a great idea!!!!
Just found your blog through sits.
I try and enjoy what I read, but if that means that I'm really into it than I'll keep going and going (if I have the time of course).
Love the menu, it sounds delicious!
I used to read a good book all the way through, but that was BC (before children). Now, I just read as much as I can until the kids make me stop.
Hi! Visiting from SITS...I'm stealing some of your menu ideas K? Simple but yummy...thanks!
I so need to have a garage sale I have so much stuff -- I was thinking of making me a garage sale blog! But then I'll have to take pictures of all the stuff! Anyway thanks for sharing -- Much Love
Stopping by to say hi :) Hope you had a good Monday :)
p.s. I read the book in one day, part of my obsessive compulsive problem.
Depends on my mood and my time constraints. I have read lots of books in one day (Twilight), but then totally took my time and tried to not make it to the end (Breaking Dawn).
Thanks for your sweet comments today. Yes, someday the Certs will be funny. Not today, but someday.
If I can find a good book to keep me interested, I take my time and savor every second. The trouble is finding one that keeps me intrigued long enough for me to sit still. I'm trying though. I'm working through one now and I have my eye on another as my reward for getting through the current one. Ha! Ha! Glad you enjoyed your weekend!
If I read the book, I don't really want to watch the movie. The movie never seems to do the book justice. If I watch the movie, I will read the book to see what I missed. I'm can't ever skip pages in a book. However, lately I have a lot of books with bookmarks in them that I need to get back to. haha Have a great week!
Ooh, I've been looking for a good french dip recipe... I'm counting on you now
Well, I went and saw the Night at Rodanthe...I didn't even know it was a book till I just read your blog! OH MY!
-Sandy Toes
To answer your question, I love all of those things!
I made the chicken/croissant thingy and it was really good (I used 1/2 sauce though.was worried croissants would get soggy) and I'm making french dips next...THANKS!
Oooooooo That Zii Bake is fast!! I'm doing it next week! Thanks! Oh.. thanks for swinging by my blog as well.
First time on your site! I will be back to visit. So much to see.
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