So super excited about tonight...this is when you realize how easy I am to please...The hubby and I are having his parents over for dinner and then just the two of us are going to see the movie Fireproof. They will stay and babysit the little Pumpkin Doodles. WooooHoooo! I can count on one hand how many times we've been able to go out alone. Score that we have gift certificates for the movie theater we're going to, too! :-)
I'm knee deep in all sorts of cleaning fun getting ready for the in-laws to come, so this will be a short post....can't leave out the discounts though.
Remember that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
For a GREAT cause...10% of proceeds at Femail Creations is going towards research to find a cure for breast cancer!
Another fabulous site supporting breast cancer research...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. By purchasing either Super Line Preventor Xtreme or Super Line Preventor Xtreme Lifting Concentrate, you are helping Prescriptives donate $30,000 to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation® to fund innovative clinical and translational research in North America.
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Starting today until Oct. 23, get Free Shipping on orders of $25 or more of Halloween costumes and accessories from select sellers in at Amazon's Costumes Store.
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MORE Handbags, too!
Get 20% Off at - Ends 10/06/2008
Someone had emailed me for discounts on travel to ya go!
Planet Hollywood Resort Casino in Vegas: SAVE up to 30% NOW on Orbitz!
Go BOGO at Lane Bryant Catalog! Buy one item, get the second at 30% off. Offer expires 10-7-08; use source code 941102 at checkout.
Because magazines are so fun to get in the mail...
$5 off at! Plus Free Shipping and No Tax!
Tons of Movie Deals at Amazon. My FAVORITE is THIS ONE
....and't it's 33% off.
What's your favorite movie?
Yaay for movie night with your hubby! Hope dinner goes well with your in-laws. Seeing all your meal plans, I'm sure they won't be disappointed. ;)
My favorite movies are Steel Magnolias, Beaches and My Life. All tear jerkers.
Haver fun at the movie. I've heard all good reports on this one.
Have a great time! I want to see this movie sooooo bad. Second Hand Lions is one of my favorites...there are soooo many but that's what I came up with off the top of my head.
Oh my goodness! My in-laws just went to see that and said it was really great. I wanna go! :) Have fun...thanks for reminding about Breast Cancer awareness. Favorite movies of all time: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Lady and the Tramp, and Pride and Prejudice. (Long titled ones...hehehe) Cheers!
Oh I have a lot of favorite movies. I can pretty much watch anything--except for what my husband like :) haha I think my favorite is Dumb and Dumber (How lame is that?!)
Yeah date night. Always worthwhile. Enjoy the movie. My fav always been Victor/Victoria. But always good when you get out with your man and no kids! And thanks for visiting my blog!
Congratulations that you get a date night - you'll love this movie. We saw it this last weekend and it was awesome. :)
I have heard great things about this movie. I might have to book us a sitter soon.
I hope that you and the Husband have a fantastic date nite!
Followed you over from SITS.
Favorite movie ever is White Christmas!!!! It doesn't get any better than Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye.
I think that my favorite movie of all time is Dirty Dancing.
Yay! Date night! Can't tell you the last time I went to see a movie in a theater.
Favorite movies ever: Steel Magnolias and Shag
You know you have seen a movie too many times when your favorite line is:
"My colors are blush and bashful."
"Shelby, your colors are pink and pink. It's gonna look like the church was sprayed down with Pepto Bismal"
...and from Shag:
Sorry for the lame quotes. I just can't resist. :)
Have fun at the movies :) I've heard great reviews for this movie, let us know what you think.
As for my favorite movie it's definitely "Planes Trains and Automobiles" LOL
well dear bloggy friend - I hope you have a FUN momma-free night!!
fav movie - OF ALL TIME - that is hard - I think I will say Guess Who's Coming to Dinner!
Hope you're having a fun night! I don't think I have a favorite movie.
Melody, I am certain your daughter will thank you for the love and effort you are putting into family dinners when she is older. My parents, my brother and I always sat down to eat together on weekdays. Even if it meant eating at 4:30 or 5 or sometimes 8 or 9....especially as my brother and I got into high school activities. If you ever want new recipes let me know! I was given a TON when I got married!
I hope you have a great date!!
I can't wait to hear how the movie is!
My favorite movie - Save the Last Dance. Seriously - weird, I know.
All time fav -
Gone with the Wind
My fav...Serendipity
hey lady! have lots of fun tonight! I'm in a much better mood now--the husband sent me gorgeous flowers at work ;)
My fave movie is Walk the Line. The story of June & Johnny Cash is one of the most romantic stories to me EVER. I LOVE it. I could watch it all day.
Let me know how Fireproof is, I'm curious about it.
Have a great time at the movie...I really want to see this one...looks good. Little Pumpkin Doodles...what a cute name to call your sweet one.
My favorite movie would have to be Failure to Launch because it's the only movie we can watch and enjoy it together. We have very different taste in movies and t.v.
Fav Movie: That is a hard one....I think Sense and Sensibility. Who does not like Jane Austen???
I gave you an Award today..go to my blog!
I just love your blog! My favorite movie is "While I was sleeping"!
-Sandy Toes
okay favorite to FIREPROOF and FACING THE GIANTS would be THE NOTEBOOK how did you like FIREPROOF? I go to the church that made the movie and I am always curious to see how it affected others...
YOU get to see a movie? This is where I get jealous! :)
My favorite movie? Once or Juno. Or Toy Story. :)
Hope you had a good time getting out! Let us know what you think of the movie- I think this is one that both my husband and I can see together (that doesn't happen all that often, lol).
I would say Romantic Comedies are my favorite kind of movie.
Of course... for old movies... many with Audrey Hepburn... Breakfast at Tiffany's and Sabrina are top of that list!
BTW... speaking of movies... I've NEVER had fried green tomatoes either.
here is an overview of v/v. It has julie andrews in it and she is my fav. You will laugh, sing and cry with her.
♥ That looks like a great movie!!! I really want to see it now! :)
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