HOWDY to all my SITStahs and to all the readers who are wondering what the heck SITS (The Secret Is In The Sauce) is. I received a few emails and a comment asking what all this SITS business is about. Well, let me just tell you about these lovely ladies...
The Secret Is In The Sauce ladies, Tiffany & Heather, have set up this oh-so-fabulous bloggy world filled with lady bloggers who love to visit blogs. They find you by you finding them. Every morning there is 'roll call' where you check in with your SITStahs. From there you can click away and log on to new blogs, leave a comment and then they will come to your blog to check you out. I've found a ton of amazing blogs this way. Here are a few of my faves...
-Betty at Keeper of the Skies Wife - She totally looks WAY too young to have two kids in college! She insanely crafty also!
-Betty at Keeper of the Skies Wife - She totally looks WAY too young to have two kids in college! She insanely crafty also!
-Judy at Feathers in my Nest - The blog fillllllled with amazing craft and home decor ideas!
-Anissa at Queen Bee - Who doesn't want to be the Queen Bee? She does it well. She always has a fun post...tons of cute crafts and a laugh comes with most of her posts.
-Tabitha at Fresh Mommy - Oh my goodness....she posts some AMAZINGLY gorgeous photos! She's witty and is always able to draw a tear or two with her pictures.
-Beautifully Imperfect - She's the person that I wished lived next door. Her blog is filled with everyday life. You feel connected instantly.
There are SOOO many more of my regular SITStahs that I would like to list, but I've been on this computer ALL day responding to my 3984938439 comments from being featured as SITS Friday Favorite. So many gals said such sweet things about my blog THAT made for a fabulous self-esteem day! ;-) I was also featured last week as a Saucy Blog.
The exposure on the site has brought me 100s of new readers whether it be directly though SITS or through my button that my SITStahs have placed on their blog!!
So, if you're wanting to find some FABULOUS blogs and you'd like to be noticed in the on over to The Secret Is In The Sauce and introduce yourself. You know you're saucy, so go do it! ;-)
Now for some DEALS -- I know I said I was going to get to some of your deal requests that you listed on Friday, and I am, but I am still swamped with catching up from being out of town. So, here is what I have for now...
There are SOOO many more of my regular SITStahs that I would like to list, but I've been on this computer ALL day responding to my 3984938439 comments from being featured as SITS Friday Favorite. So many gals said such sweet things about my blog THAT made for a fabulous self-esteem day! ;-) I was also featured last week as a Saucy Blog.
The exposure on the site has brought me 100s of new readers whether it be directly though SITS or through my button that my SITStahs have placed on their blog!!
So, if you're wanting to find some FABULOUS blogs and you'd like to be noticed in the on over to The Secret Is In The Sauce and introduce yourself. You know you're saucy, so go do it! ;-)
Now for some DEALS -- I know I said I was going to get to some of your deal requests that you listed on Friday, and I am, but I am still swamped with catching up from being out of town. So, here is what I have for now...
HOLY CHEAP EATIN'- I've never seen this deal here before...JUMP ON IT FAST! There are only a certain amount of certificates per restaurant, so hurry!
36-Hour 80% off Savings on $25 Gift Certificates. Use the code EIGHTY and pay $2. Valid 12:00am CDT 10/14/08 thru 12:00pm CDT 10/15/08.

4 HOUR SALE...think Christmas, ladies!
Get 20% Off Most HBO DVDs and Merchandise from 12 - 4 PM EST on 10.14.08.
36-Hour 80% off Savings on $25 Gift Certificates. Use the code EIGHTY and pay $2. Valid 12:00am CDT 10/14/08 thru 12:00pm CDT 10/15/08.
4 HOUR SALE...think Christmas, ladies!
Get 20% Off Most HBO DVDs and Merchandise from 12 - 4 PM EST on 10.14.08.
What blog out there is your favorite?
This blog-a-thon is going to ROCK. WOO HOO!
Happy Contest winning to you!! lol
My favorite blog I can't post a link to or name, since I don't have permission. It is about a family whom adopted a child with special needs (down syndrome) from the Ukraine. She had been bed ridden for her first 4 years of her life. Was said to never be able to do anything, like walk, talk or anything. They brought her home less than a year ago. She is now Thriving thru the love of her parents and new brothers and sisters. They were afraid at first to adopt her, but took that leap of faith. They saved her from an early death, and she has taught them a whole new meaning to life.
Awesome! I love your blog!
SITS is amazing, right? Love it!
You have had a busy time! Get some sleep in time for the blogathon!
Happy blogathon day! I feel an all-niter coming on...
Love your blog and thanks for visiting mine! Have a smooth day...
:^) Anna
Well, duh, what blog do you think is my favorite? LOL! Yours is definitely one of mine, and you know why you're fabulous!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy SITS day! I have a few fav blogs right now but Kat always makes me laugh over at
You are one of my favorite bloggers. I was actually going to list you, but I figured a ton of people would!
I love anything crafty, I love being entertained by amusing posts. I'm amazed at how many talented writers are in blogger land.
I also love finding new recipes, and of course finding a good deal! :)
WOWZER!! what a fun blog!
i think we have some bloggy friends in common. i am popping over from the SITStahood and i am so totally adding you to my reader so i can remember to come back!!
all this bloggy have i been missing out on this!?
good luck SITSTA!!!
Happy SITSathon!
I'll be back later to answer your daily question.
Eeek! I'm so excited about this! I'm pretty sure I'm going to be blog reading allll day long today. FYI--you are one of my linked favorites today too!
Great post, I've already got you on my blog list and will be checking out the ones you mentioned. :)
Happy SITS blogathon to you! And congrats on your feature last week. I need to come back and engross myself in your slow cooker Thursdays. I am always looking for yummy new recipes to try!
The R Family Diaries will always be my OG favorite!
Right now I also LOVE Steenky Bee. We have a sick relationship but she cracks me up and puts me back together with 2 snaps and a Z formation!
Happy SITS! Thanks for you blog! It's always great to have tips to save money!
Morning :) Just wanted to stop by and let you know I have you on my blog roll ! Your blog is totally awesome, especially in these economically tight times. Just thought I would give ya a little recognition and thank you for your hard work
Mornin' lady! is my fave blog, ever. I love her life in the country, her gorgeous family (mainly husband), and her food is sooooo good. Love love love everything about her site.
Oh, I can't pick just ONE favorite blog! I have so many I visit regularly, I don't think I have a most favorite of all!
Happy Blogathon day! I was here last week but will be back again once I've made my way through the ever-expanding Mr. Linky list over at SITS today! (Yep, I'm getting nothing else productive done today, I know!)
thanks for linking me! You Rock!
Much Love
Happy Blogathon Day!
My favorite blog is one of my original blogging pals. She's not even a SITS girl! I love her blog cause she can always find the silver lining in pretty much everything and she did something pretty awesome this summer and donated one of her kidney's to her dad. Here's the link to her blog:
Thanks so much for your advie on the button issue last night. I figured out how to make it all by myself for FREE! Now that is what I call pinching some pennies. lol
Love your blog.
Happy Blogathon Day!
I like your blog!! Great SITS post. I'm pretty much obsessed with winning a prize today. Hope you score some loot. My favorite blog? WAY too hard to answer.
Thanks lady!!! I listed you too :). Pioneer Woman is another of my faves! Ok, so I just wanted to be like you and I'm trying to get through this posting day on my iPhone!
Of all days... Why would my Internet go out today?!? Sigh.
Thanks lady!!! I listed you too :). Pioneer Woman is another of my faves! Ok, so I just wanted to be like you and I'm trying to get through this posting day on my iPhone!
Of all days... Why would my Internet go out today?!? Sigh.
There's no way I could pick just one...I have too too many favorites. Thanks for visiting me...have a fun blogathon day!
There are wayyyy too many to mention as fav's but you can see by my blogroll who I stalk :)
Happy Blogathon Day!! I actually found your blog thru SITS (congrats, by the way on Friday Feature!!) and love love love it!! Thanks for all the great info and ideas...
Besides SITS I always visit as well. They are so fabulous because they connect me to other bloggers I might not have found on my own!
I am not doing a SITS post today as I am celebrating my 100th post. Please stop by and enter my giveaway.
You've got your hands full with all the responding. lol. Thanks for stopping by yesterday. ;-)
Thanks to SITS you have a new stalker! Great blog!!
Love your blog and I linked to you in my blog-a-thon post. This is way too much fun!! Oh and my favorite blog is MckMama's. She's not a SITS participant, but she's one amazing mama who is awaiting the birth of her baby boy who has a few heart problems. I highly recommend checking her out at
I love your blog and actually have a link to yours on my site for the SITS blogathon.
My Fave blog is also not SITS (though I'm sure she'd fit right in!) and of course I don't have the link handy.... just click on my profile she's the Alaska gal I follow religiously.
Also, while wishing you a happy blogathon day I suppose I have to apologize for referencing you in my post as P.I.M.P. - :)
Woo hoo for SITS! Hope you have a great blogathon day! And my favorite blog is The Pioneer Woman--but I don't think she needs any help in the readership department.
Hey girl happy sits day!!
What a great opportunity, thanks for telling us all about SITS!
Have a fun blogathon.
Just wanted to drop by and let you know that you are one of my favorite blogs from SITS. I really enjoy reading your posts, and I love that they are so helpful. Keep up the great work!
Wow! I just saw another blog mentioning SITS and I just went over there but will be back in abit so I have more time for it looks like so much fun!! Thanks for sharing!!
Happy blogathon day! And thank you so much for visiting me today. What a way for this newbie to feel welcome!
Happy Blogathon Day! Man, it took me a few hours just to scroll to the bottom of all of these comments!! That's so exciting!
Happy SITS Blogathon!!
I'm already all over the deal. I got 4 $50 Tony Roma gift cards for $16!!! Can't wait to go stuff myself.
This is my first blog-a-thon and I am finding so many great blogs like yours!! Thanks!
I have heard many good things about your blog. Adding you to my list now so I can come back and check you out. :)
Great SITS post!!! Aren't those girls awesome?
This blogathon is so fun. I am also adding you to my list - it is such a cute blog and helpful.
I nominated you for an "I love your blog" award!
Check out my blog for more info!
Holy blogathon! My favorite blog is yours? HOW COULD IT NOT BE? :)
Happy SITS day!
Well, I couldn't pick a favorite blog, but I did link to you today for the SITS blogathon! :) I'll have to check out your recommendations.
I have too many blogs to pick just one favorite!!
Thats why I have a I don't have to just pick one!
Happy blogathon!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog! I am new to the "blog world" and have been amazed at all the bloggers out there.
You're my new SITS-tah!
I've missed so much! I was out of town as well, but not for a girl's weekend! I can only dream!
This whole SITS thing is making me wish I had a blog! Sounds like so much fun!
I would totally be up for being neighbors! Care to live in NC? It would be fun. And I noticed you used to own a wedding business...did I mention I love planning? :)
Happy Blog-a-thon day!!
Come by and enter MY giveaway!
Yeah, maybe we should move closer... and our little peanuts would be BFF's too!! Oh, and I'd definitely take tons of pictures, and they'd be so cute that we'd sell the photos for lots of $$ and then move to the Bahamas!! So, when should we do this?
Good luck on your SITStah day:-)
Happy Blogathon Day! Named you in my fave five cuz you ROCK!!!
Happy SITS blogathon day. Hope yours has beeen fabulous.
I have a couple of favorites that I religiously check every day. Lulaville, In the Trenches, SITS and you, of course.
I heart blogs. And swaps. (Just received mine from South Africa today, and it is awesome!).
this is an amazing day for SITSta bloggers.. I have way too many faves to list, but I read / follow yours everyday (is that stalkerish?)... I hope we win something!!
Hey Hey Hey!
Happy Blogging! :)
Happy Blogathon Day!!
My answer of the day: Noble Pig, hands down, no question. Terrific recipes with gorgeous photos, or her views on what's happening around the world, or she posts about her family and occasionally blindsides us with off the wall, roll you off your computer chair funny posts. Love her blog.
Happy Sits day to you!
Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS day! I gave you a shout out (I am NOT alone in that! Girl, you're popular! And for a good reason.)
My fave blog?? Yours is definitely one of them! Also- More Wine Please! She's such a genuine person!! FABULOUS GALS!
Awww...thanks for the shout out!!! I missed out on so much today. :( I'm trying to catch up now.
I'm all about a deal! How thankful am I that I came upon SITS today (yes. Today!) and came upon your blog. : )
Happy SITS Blog-A-Thon Day!!
Happy SITS day fellow SITSTA!
Happy SITS Blogathon Day!
My favorite blog today is the SITS blog - I'm finding SO many other great blogs from it!
Thanks for the certificate deal! Appreciate it. What an awesome blog!!
Hope you had a Happy Blogathon Day!
Man, oh man! You've got the comments going on, sister! :)
My favorite all-time blog is Beth Moore's blog:
Have a great evening!
Happy SITS day!!!!
This is truly my favorite blog:
But from our fellow SITSas I have to say the SITS blog is my favorite. I really visit it several times a day and love that it has connected me with so many cool people out there who have amazing blogs!
I have no idea which blog is my can I choose!?! Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to your blog as one of my favorites in honor of the SITS blogathon!
Great post--this has been so much fun! I just found SITS today and am enjoying finally getting to sit down and do some visiting!
Holla from a fellow SITS-ta! I recognize some of your top 5, and will definitely check out the others! You've got me intrigued!
To answer your 'question of the day' if I had to pick just one blog I love it would be 'little momma & co.' First of all, just the way she does her posts is fun and interesting. But also, she has cute craft and cooking ideas, particularly things that children would love to help with! I'm always capitvated by her ideas and anxious for the next post!
Hi Friend! Thanks for the great deal on restaurant certificates! I thought I'd missed my chance on a deal, but this time procrastination (and being gone) got me an even better one on Christmas gifts (HAHA). You are FABULOUS!!!
Yeah for SITShood!! It is so fun to visit so many new blog and meet so many new friends!! Keep the great deals coming!!
Congrats on your fabulous win SITS-ta!
Hope that you had a lovely SITSA day!!!!!
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by, and I love your blog too! I am a die-hard bargain shopper- something my Mom has instilled in me since I was... well, since I can remember :D We looooovvveee shopping- it's one of the ways we bond. I'm so glad I found you!
On another note, I totally can't believe I missed that one! I was thinking about getting some gift certificates from there for people this Christmas, too :( Drats! PLEASE let me know if you see anything like this again! :D If you want to email me its jadensmail at gmail dot com
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