So, I was browsin' the blogshpere and found something that just boosted my self esteem like a bazillon notches. Some of you may be saying, 'Well, that's awfully full of yourself to post it on your blog...sheesh.' Well, maybe so, but hey, I can post whatever I want. All you bargain hunting, Target lovin' ladies out there will understand. I mean, it's not everyday that someone compares you to TARGET! hahahaha
Mamatalk's post about the blogathon included me as one of her favorite blogs. (Thank you by the way!) But what was soooo fabulous about it is that she said this, "If blogs were stores, this one would be Target. She has everything…movie reviews, sales, recipes." I'm TARGET! Well, not really, but close enough. Besides, I don't want to have to clean up isle 3. I'm wearing red today in honor of this comment. OK, not really. I don't have anything red, but if I did I would wear it. K?
Time for me to get off the 'pat myself on my back' tangent. Although, I do think it is important for all of us women out there to find something about ourselves that makes us smile. In this world, we have enough screaming at us...telling us we're not skinny enough, tall enough, don't have clear enough skin, aren't up on the trends enough, aren't keeping up with the Joneses, Hiltons, Jolie-Pitts....I mean, it's endless.
Assignment to you fabulous ladies: So today, turn the TV off from all those 'Hollywood magazine' type shows, put down that magazine that's harping on your out-of-date clothing and tell me something that has given you a higher self-esteem. That's right. Brag about yourself or share something that someone said nice about you or whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Take a break from pulling yourself down when you look at the mirror first thing in the morning. Nobody should look in the mirror first thing in the morning anyway.
But before you do that, here are just a few deals...
Personalized Christmas Story about your child for just 1 cent!
Guys Hoodies - Up to 50% Off. Volcom, Fox, Billabong & more. or Girls Hoodies - Up to 40% Off. Volcom, Billabong, O'neill & more.

Mamatalk's post about the blogathon included me as one of her favorite blogs. (Thank you by the way!) But what was soooo fabulous about it is that she said this, "If blogs were stores, this one would be Target. She has everything…movie reviews, sales, recipes." I'm TARGET! Well, not really, but close enough. Besides, I don't want to have to clean up isle 3. I'm wearing red today in honor of this comment. OK, not really. I don't have anything red, but if I did I would wear it. K?
Time for me to get off the 'pat myself on my back' tangent. Although, I do think it is important for all of us women out there to find something about ourselves that makes us smile. In this world, we have enough screaming at us...telling us we're not skinny enough, tall enough, don't have clear enough skin, aren't up on the trends enough, aren't keeping up with the Joneses, Hiltons, Jolie-Pitts....I mean, it's endless.
Assignment to you fabulous ladies: So today, turn the TV off from all those 'Hollywood magazine' type shows, put down that magazine that's harping on your out-of-date clothing and tell me something that has given you a higher self-esteem. That's right. Brag about yourself or share something that someone said nice about you or whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Take a break from pulling yourself down when you look at the mirror first thing in the morning. Nobody should look in the mirror first thing in the morning anyway.
But before you do that, here are just a few deals...
Personalized Christmas Story about your child for just 1 cent!
Guys Hoodies - Up to 50% Off. Volcom, Fox, Billabong & more. or Girls Hoodies - Up to 40% Off. Volcom, Billabong, O'neill & more.
Save $10 when you spend $75 or more at dELiA*s! Use code FALL10 - Ends 10.30.08. 
Save 10% on every order at Limoges Jewelry. Enter code SPOOKY at checkout. Valid 10.1.08 - 10.31.08.
KBtoys: Order By Oct. 21st for Free Shipping on Over 500 Costumes + 30% Off Select Halloween Costumes!
KBtoys: Fall Blow Out 50 - 70% of Select Toys! (ends 10.21)
Save 10% on every order at Limoges Jewelry. Enter code SPOOKY at checkout. Valid 10.1.08 - 10.31.08.
KBtoys: Order By Oct. 21st for Free Shipping on Over 500 Costumes + 30% Off Select Halloween Costumes!
KBtoys: Fall Blow Out 50 - 70% of Select Toys! (ends 10.21)
What has boosted your self-esteem?
Let me know if you decide to post a "Self-Esteem Saturday or Sunday". Also, in your post, link back to this post so that others can join. If I get enough response, I'll post a Mr. Linky so that you can post your blog. Right now, I'm trying to figure Mr. Linky brain is confused! LOL
*UPDATE*I figured out Mr. Linky. Here are just a few rules..
-Enter you name & the direct link to your Self-Esteem Saturday or Sunday
-Add a link coming back to THIS post so that others can join & sign Mr. Linky
-You can post this either today or tomorrow. I love forgiving deadlines. :-)
-Feel free to snag the Sunny graphic on the top of this post and it link back to this post.
-Have fun!
Such a great way to start the day!!! Thanks :)
You're Target! Wow! Next you'll be on the Oprah show!!! Congratulations.
My friend Robin is always so complimentary of me. If I listen to her long enough, I could start getting a big head.
What a great question. I think my job gives me a boost. I feel like I make a difference for my patients and their families!
Good for you being Target - I love Target!
LOVE this!! i am totally gonna play...get that mr linky figured out girl! people are gonna love this!
Being compared to Target is probably better than being compared to Oprah!
Something that boosted my self esteem is all the amazing, sweet, thoughtful comments that I get on my blog! It makes me smile when I check my email to see comments that make me laugh and feel good from people who I can call friends without ever even meeting them in person...
i totally agree! you're so TAR-JAY! (ooh lala, french target!)
self esteem booster? one day hubby told me i looked really skinny ... very happy day. very happy indeed. :)
You complemented me when you said I always crack you up. Thank you. I like to make people laugh. Especially when it's not AT me.
I love me some TARGET... or I like to say it fancy, TAR-JAY!!!! I am super excited, because tommorow I get to go to Target, the closet one is 45 minutes away.... have a great Saturday!!!
The comments I get on my blog lift my spirits every day. Maybe that's why blogging is so addictive:-) It feeds my ego and my ego has a really addictive personality:-) Hee, hee, hee.
Hi Tar-jay! Do you want a box and link back to your blog with that button?
Hate to be repetitious, but I am a comment addict. It makes me feel good when someone can relate to something I've written, or particularly if they think I'm funny. That gets my head so that it can barely fit through the doorway. Congrats on being Target, it really is my favorite store ever.
Will try and get to it! I have two things to post about tomorrow. Plus I have a burnt hand.
Much Love
Hope you had a great saturday!
What a great post! I have seen your blog around for sometime now, just love what you do! Thanks for stopping by mine and commenting, I feel so special! (hey that could be my self-esteem booster of the day!) YAY!!
My 4 year old constantly tells me I am a very nice mamma! Does that count?
A month or two ago, I was pumping gas in all my mommy glory with the girls in tow and the man next to me said it made his day to pump gas next to such a beautiful woman. "Huh?" I was shocked and told him it made MY day to get such a nice compliment!
ok i did it!! woo hooo!!
i am off to read the others! YAY!
What a great compliment to you, and so true - even better!
I suffered with extreme low self esteem when I was a teen and in my early 20's, but then I kind of 'found myself'. I thought I was a fairly confident person, but I had no idea what a self-esteem boost having a baby would be. It's not just that I HAVE her that makes me feel good, it's the way she looks at me. Truly - she adores me. She can't speak a word, but I always say, "I love you too," because I swear she is always telling me through her blue eyes that she loves me. Nothing makes me feel more important or special or fabulous than the love of my baby girl!
What a great compliment! Target Rocks and so do you! Lovin' your awesome SES idea! I'm in!
Great question.
I'm a journalist and my primary industry is investigative journalism.
Sometimes it takes weeks, months or even years to complete the story. If I manage to publish it, it's definitely a boost to me. People come and thank me for making their life better and helping to solve hard problems. I feel necessary then, I can change world to be a better place.
I'm so there!!
I gave you an award! Stop by my blog to check it out
love the compliment - love target and it helps that it is 9 seconds from my house!
* snort * Your comment made me laugh out loud!
That name for a baby is JUST WRONG. But, if they do it anyway, I suggest the moustache-on-a-stick (newborn size) as the go-to baby gift.
Let's just hope it's a boy.
;^) Anna
That is a fantastic idea. My only problem is that I brag about myself everyday, so I could pick just about any post... Hah! I crack myself up. This really is a good idea and I think your blog is Godiva chocolate :-)
Ok, I'm playing and getting all braggy about my bad self!!!!
I'll come back and check up on all the other braggy moments as the family is waiting to leave and giving me the evil eye!
Hi, I tagged you in my blog.. :) Check it out and pass it on!
Oh! I have never been quoted before. I am so glad you liked my Target comment. I was hoping you would take it the right a major compliment!
Wow! What a great post! It's nice to take a break from the negative self-talk and turn it to positive. Thanks for getting me back on the right track!
I've only known you for a short time...but you do seem very targety to me! My self's always raised when someone says I made them laugh. I just get all glowy and fuzzy. If I can make my hubby laugh...I hear angels sing!
Thank you! I've been working on that website real hard. And picking the right pictures to put on it too. LOL. Your so awesome, and such an encourager. i'm so glad I get to know you better!
What a great idea! Everyone needs a self esteem boost it seems these days and your little sunshine image is perfect. :) I'll have to try and come back later this week.
What a wonderful idea - I'm definitely game next week!!
OK... I will play next week... although Hubby said I was "hot" today.. Sweet... bless him.
& you are like a GIANT TARGET... I saw your blog all over the place on the SITS day!! Congrats!
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