Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday like you've never Friday'd before....

I just love it when the first thing I think of when I wake up (besides that I want to go back to not a morning person) is that it's Friday and I need to post the Amazon Friday Sale. lol I'm such a dedicated sale shopper, aren't I? Hey, I do this for you....well, and for me, too.

Update of the bug in our is totally fine. I'm just tired as all get out and can't wake up the past few days. Besides that and a scratchy throat, things are fine.

Let's dive into this sale with a cute flip flop...
Teva Women's Mush Sandal
List Price: $21.95
Today's Sale Price: $14.90 - 32% off
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping
*LOTS of colors and sizes, too!

Now, I'm not a huge fish poacher, but at this price I could be...or I could snatch it up for the fisher-person on my Christmas list. :)
Graniteware 22-1/2 Inch Fish Poacher with Rack
List Price: $39.99
Today's Sale Price: $9.99 - 75% off
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping

It's baaaaack and it's calling for my kitchen to welcome it to cheese bliss...
Quesadilla Maker
List Price: $29.99
Today's Sale Price: $22.99 - 23% off
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping

This is back, too...if you need cookware or know a couple getting married, this would be a fabulous deal for ya! 71% off!!
Cuisinart Chef's Classic Stainless-Steel 14 Piece Cookware Set
List Price: $520.00
Today's Sale Price: $149.99 - 71% off
FREE Super Saver Shipping

OK, I've always wanted one of these, but don't know if I'd really use it. I remember making homemade ice cream as a kid and it was just the COOLEST (haha no pun intended) ... Anyone have one of these? Do you use it?
Cuisinart Pure Indulgence 2-Quart Automatic Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet, and Ice Cream Maker
List Price: $120.00
Today's Sale Price: $69.99 - 42% off
FREE Super Saver Shipping

Nice gift for the BBQ'er on your list...I'm pushy with getting your Christmas shopping started, aren't I? ;)
Mr. Bar-B-Q 5-Piece Oval Stainless Handle Tool Set
List Price: $24.99
Today's Sale Price: $14.99 - 40% off
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping

I would really like this one, but don't want to spend the money...although, it's on sale and there's a $20 rebate to go with it...
KitchenAid Food Processors
List Price: $269.99
Today's Sale Price: $139.99 - after rebate & 41% off
FREE Super Saver Shipping

For those really furry pets or for the really hairy hubbies, too.
Andis 23840 Deluxe 15-Piece Pet Clipper Kit
List Price: $44.99
Today's Sale Price: $24.35 - 46% off
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping

If these work as well as the other microfiber cloths that I have, then I must have this. My hair takes forever to dry...anything to help the process is much appreciated...
Microfiber Hair Towel
List Price: $18.00
Today's Sale Price: $10.99 - 39% off
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping

Now these are just SOOOO cute! Great price, too!
Signature Housewares Tahoe 10-Ounce Martini Glasses, Set of 4
List Price: $25.00
Today's Sale Price: $5.99 - 76% off
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping

OK kids, that's all I have time for. I need to do some serious house cleaning. I'm so behind from this week. Please, don't drop by unannounced, K? If you want to check out more goodies from this sale then click HERE.

Question of the Day
Do you wait for sales to purchase something you need/want
or do you snatch it up right away?


Heather said...

Oh, I am totally a "wait 'til it goes on sale" kind of girl. But, when it is on sale, then I snatch up a few, just in case :)

tiarastantrums said...

so depends on what it is - but mostly wait until a sale - crips I can barely keep up with a grocery bill!!

FROGGITY! said...

LOVE the new template!
TGIF! Q of the day: I nearly ALWAYS wait until a sale happens. The only time I buy something full price is on vacation or if it's one of a kind! :) BARGAIN SHOPPER! Glad everyone's feeling better. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that everyone is doing better. Try to get some rest when the baby takes a nap. Relapses are no fun!

Oh I love the martini glasses! I just may have to pick some up (feeling pressure to start my Christmas shopping! haha)

I usually wait for a sale, but if its something that I've been looking for soemtimes I pay full price because I don't want to miss it. I am a sucker for sales though...that's why I LOVE your blog!

Kim's Treasures said...

Great deals!!! Especially the 14 piece stainless set! Wow!

Have a great weekend!

Kim's Treasures said...

Great deals!!! Especially the 14 piece stainless set! Wow!

Have a great weekend!

Jess said...

Want.martini glasses.NOW!

But please pre-fill them before you send them to me :)

Depends on what it is. New tv for bedroom--waited til it was on sale. Fab overpriced handbag that I technically didnt need but life wouldn't be the same without it?--snatch up asap! LOL

Thanks for the comments. You should shop for sales on LAPTOPS missy ;)


Unknown said...

I love the martini glasses, I just don't need anymore. You would think we drank all the time around here with the martini glasses we have. I just like to collect them. Hmm, maybe I will buy them $5.99? Can't get any better than that!

Ash said...

Q/A - wait for a sale or coupon if I can. I have reached a point in my life where paying full price seems like a complete waste of money.

So glad everyone is feeling better there - 5-year-old is down with a stomach bug here. Another great excuse for me to skip the laundry, you know, besides blogging.

Great weekend to all! Em

Holly said...

Those microfiber hair towels are great! I have thick hair that takes forever to dry, too.

Glad your little one is better and I hope you can get some rest this weekend too!

Melissa said...

ohhh those flips flops look comfortable!

Huse Yo Mama said...

You ARE dedicated! Thanks for that!

And I'm SO glad that y'all are feeling better!

tommie said...

I have that ice cream maker. We use it maybe twice a year! It was a gift when my sis-in-law worked at Williams-Sonoma.

I purchase things as I need them, but they are usually on sale or I have a coupon. I just some Gingher scissors at Michaels with the 50% off coupon. I had a pair before....but after I taught a sewing class, they disappeared. So sad!

Anonymous said...

Glad you and the baby are feeling better!

I don't have the ice cream maker. I think we wouldn't use it that often and my kids would probably beg me to make ice cream constantly...therefore, i don't want it. HAHA

My hubby is HAIRY. I think those clippers would be great for him. I'd just have to put a sticker over the paw on it. I am laughing so hard with the mental picture.

The KitchenAid food processor is a wonderful kitchen tool. My mom has it and I am jealous.

Q of the D
I live for sales. I usually wait until something is on sale, but then again, I get things that are on sale that I don't even need. So, I probably don't even up 'saving' in the end.


Elisabeth said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. I am a HUGE ice cream is my comfort treat...Anything with lots of chocolate! I've always wanted an ice cream maker, but am terrified it would make me gain 30 pounds--seriously, I have NO will power when it comes to the stuff!

QoD: I really haven't been a sale shopper in the past...but am quickly becoming one. I do a lot of on-line research for prices and sales, but will not drive around looking for them. And, if I see something I LOVE...I will usually splurge right away to get the item then watch to see if there is a sale and I can return/repurchase at the sale price. That way I don't risk not being able to get my hands on it when it is on sale.

Fifi Flowers said...

Definitely not a SALE shopping girl... but I do LOVE when things are on sale... but Idon't wait... if it's something I really want I BUY!
Sorry... about NYC... but I have to tell you... I am FAR away too... hope that makes you feel better...
I have an idea... WATCH FOR SALES on tickets to NYC... you're an expert... anif yo find any... let me know... my goal is to get to NYC May 2009!

Fifi Flowers said...

Oops... I forgot... I better tell you NOW... tomorrow we leave for Brazil and it's a GREAT trip... come along virtually!
ENJOY your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Hairy hubbies...cracked me up!
Great deals, again!
So glad you are all feeling better...hope you can get some rest this weekend!


Shell in your Pocket said...

It really depends on the product..I should wait but I don't! A cooking item I would probaly wait but I never wait for clothes to go on sale!

Love those martini glasses!
-Sandy Toes

Debie Napoleon said...

I do my best to be a sale girl..but....I can be swayed by a lovely pair of shoes.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Cute flip flops! I love my kitchen aid food processer ALMOSt as much as I love my kitchen aid but not quite! :)

I like to get a good deal but it depends on how bad I want something whether I pay full price or not!

Jen said...

I buy it when I want/need it. I don't wait for fear that if I do it will be gone. I am not a good bargain shopper at all. That is why I am here. You are totally helping me out.

Miss Mommy said...

I am a huge "On Sale" or "Clearance Shopper"....I try to hold out for either of the two before I buys most anything!! If I just ran to the store and picked up what I needed, not looking at the price....I would surely miss all the "fun" watching and chasing sales!!! LOL LOL

Jennie said...

it is a risk, but I usually wait until its on sale... I guess I am thirfty by nature, always trying to get more for my money....I also wanted to give a great big blog hug and let you know that i really appreciate all the wonderful comments you leave for me and it means alot...have a great day

ROXY said...

wow what a great price for the 14 piece cookware!! I need to get a new set actually! Thanks for stopping by and giving your input on the window and fireplace. I will definitely post the results once everything is finished!! Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon!!

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

I couldn't remember who else gave me an award. It was you! I am sooooo late in getting around to posting them. Anyway, I am going to edit my post and give you a shout out. Jump on over later to view it.

Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Melody... What a Neat Blog you have created! Sniffing out bargains and great deals is such a Fine Art!

I was so glad that you "stumbled" upon my lil blog-home and I wanted to thank you for your sweet comment and prayers during my recent health problems. I'm truly grateful for your kindness! Please come visit anytime... I'm looking forward to many return visits to your blog!

Hope your weekend is going well... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Ms. Tee said...

So glad you are feeling better. :) Ragweed is doing a number on our household right now!

Hmmm...I love sales & usually will try & wait for them. But if it's something I want right away, I'll usually go ahead nad get it before it disappears. :)

Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

I love stopping through to see what you have posted! Thanks for doing the research for the lazy!

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

I am a bad shopper, if I need it - I buy it. I am admitting that I need to grow in this area. :)

The clippers which would work for doggie or hairy hubby! LOL!!

Have a great week!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

You had me at Teva. Seriously, I never met a Teva I didn't love. Well that and chocolate of COURSE.

Hope the weekend was FAB.

Cynthia said...

I am a wait for the bargain gal:)

judy said...

As always, love seeing the bargains and recipes.


Amy said...

Glad to hear your feeling better!

I try to wait for sales, but it depends on how impatient I am for the said item :)

Anonymous said...

I am so late in answering your question of the day! I usually snatch it up if I like it enough in case they run out of it. Especially clothes/shoes.