Monday, September 22, 2008

Menu Plan Monday - Sept. 22nd - And deals fo sho...

Ahhhhhhhhh -- everyone take a deep breath and together say 'ahhhhhh'. Why? Because that's what a weekend filled with nothing-ness and sleep makes you do. Saturday was wonderful...the hubby let me sleep in like a teenager and then took care of the baby most of the day so I could loaf around, buy a bunch of Nicholas Sparks books on Ebay and start to get better. I realized I was still in my PJs when night came and I started to get ready for bed. Love that. Sunday was relaxing ... after church we all 3 took naps. Went to bed late last night though. PLEASE, tell me why we stayed up until midnight watching A Few Good Men when we've seen it 29893483 times already? Oh well.

So, here's MONDAY for ya (deals at the bottom). Since last week's menu was messed up by me and the baby being sick, you'll see I have put some into the menu this week.

Monday: Cube Steaks with mashed red potatoes and veggies
Tuesday: Chicken Totilla Casserole
Wednesday: Going out to dinner for hubby's b-day!
Thursday: Crock Pot Meat Loaf -I'll post the recipe on Slow Cooking Thursday
Friday: Lemon Basil Chicken Salad
Head over to for more fabulous meals!

OK, time for the DEALS ...

Take 25% off at Limited Too thru October 6 only

Things Remembered - 10% Off Orders Over $60! Use Code: 10TRFALL

Totally Random ... Save 50% off select women's tees at the HBO Shop!

Save 15% On All Orders Over $39 + Free Shipping at David's Cookies, Now Thru November 1, 2008.

Gap Fall Sale. Shop now at

Get Free Shipping for Sweetest Day at Limoges Jewelry! Enter Coupon code: SHIPSWEET. Valid 9.1.08 - 9.30.08.

Shutterfly - Free Shipping on orders $25+. Coupon code: AF64-SP08. Exp. 10-7-08.


I almost forgot the
Question of the Day
How do you define a relaxing weekend?


Kacey said...

Oh so GLAD to hear you are getting better and SO JEALOUS you got to loaf around! Maybe your honey can talk to my honey? :o) The chicken salad looks fabulous and I can't wait to have more tiem to check out Orgjunkie - looks super cool & OF COURSE the Gap Sale. Duh.

Have a great Monday!

Anonymous said...

So good to hear you got to rest and it sounds like you're better! (Or at least getting there!) And thanks for the heads up on the Gap Fall Sale! I need new work pants!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh i love weekends like that, too! That's great that you're all better. Its the pits when you're sick.

Great menu! I never thought of cooking meat loaf in the crockpot. i look forward to that recipe on Thursday. The lemon basil chicken salad sounds so fresh and good, too.

Thanks for the deals. I need to visit shutterfly and the Gap.

Anonymous said...

Oh and to the Q of the D...I definte a relaxing weekend by not having to rush to do anything. Just staying home or going to the park with the kids. Hanging out. That's the best. Staying in your PJs all day doesn't hurt either.

Jess said...

I'm totally jealous of your chillaxin' weekend!

Q of the Day:

Sleeping in, naps, reading all day, staying in my pj's and ordering food in ;)

Jess said...

thank the lord in heaven, you can watch FULL epidsodes on of Greys! Just in case you miss it.

what-eva back to ya about your silly foosball. Its the devil! ;)

Holly said...

That chicken casserole and chicken salad sound great!

tiarastantrums said...

Oh, I am so happy to hear you are feeling better - and to define a relaxing weekend - well, hone - I think you did that in your post. Want to trade with my house? My husband would NEVER let me sleep in - If I am not up at 7 to make the coffee - he comes looking for me! ha ha

valerie said...

I love your blog. I found that yummy Jack Daniels recipe with pork chops and have it hanging on my fridge. I can't wait to make that. Not this week...I've got somewhere to go every single night!

I'm about to head out the door, but will e-mail you the pickled okra recipe. It really is good!

I have a feeling we might be doing more....

I'm glad you liked the fisherman birthday wish. I debated about whether to type all that but thought it was too fun to leave out.

Have a great week and Happy Fall!

Kim's Treasures said...

I think you had the perfect weekend! What a great hubby!

Anonymous said...

Once again, I'm coming to your house. I'm hungry. lol

Good to hear your feeling better again. What a great weekend! I could use one of those. Wonderful deals, too. You're tempting me with the Limoges Jewelry. Love that place! I used to order from there very often. Maybe I'll do some "Christmas Shopping". hehehe

Ash said...

Two awesome things today - Gap Fall sale heads up, AND a Few Good Men reference. I love that movie! Ah, the good ole days when I thought Tom was normal.

Free Katie!

The only thing that makes it an ideal weekend for me is venturing to Super Target, by myself. Which I did yesterday - perfect.


tommie said...

My kids LOVE a good "PJ" day....where we all get to stay in jammies all day!

Love a good GAP sale. Thanks for the reminder.

Ms. Tee said...

Isn't it crazy how they show the same movies over and over? I do the same thing, though. I'll watch them a million times, too. My husband always dies when Steel Magnolias is on again, and I'll watch it, no matter how far into the movie it is!
My idea of a relaxing weekend is not to have a whole lot of *away from home* stuff planned - especially in the fall. :)

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you're feeling better and that you had such an excellent weekend... YAY!

The Menu sounds really good... making me hungry!

And, to me, a relaxing weekend is one with very lil noise... no neighbors mowing 'n making a racket, no loud vehicles going down the street, etc. ... just alot of pillows and cuddly blankets in bed with the remote and a fresh cup of coffee!

Thanks for the visit and happy to know that you liked the Eye Candy posts! Hope you enjoyed this first day of Fall... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Unknown said...

The weekend that you had sounds perfect to me! One day I will be able to sleep in too.

Debie Napoleon said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby - that's our anniversary so dinner out for us as well. Hope your week is as relaxing as your weekend was.

Tabitha Blue said...

Mmmm, all your meals sound so delish! I want to try some now. I finally put together a meal plan for this week at our house, it really takes the pressure off! I didn't post it, because it's not complete, but I think I may just need to stick leftovers in there some day. We have so much left over just from last night!

Your weekend sounds perfect... that's exactly how I'd describe a relaxing weekend. Naps. No schedule. Have fun with family. :)

~Trish~ said...

Thank for stopping by my blog when I was featured last week :) I'm still trying to get back to everyone who commented!! Relaxing weekend to me is laying on the couch in PJs watching tv or movies ALL weekend!

Sandra said...

Yum, great menu :)

As for a relaxing weekend, for me it's spent on the couch watching a movie or at the library ALONE grabbing some good books.

Anonymous said...

So glad you had a nice and relaxing weekend...I just posted about our relaxing nice!

Take care,

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

I'm so jealous of your cooking and baking talent. You just amaze me girl.

Relaxing weekend? One in which we have no big plans! Like THAT rarely happens. WAH. :O