Tuesday, January 20, 2009

~*~GIVEAWAY~*~ SmartShopper Electronic Grocery List Organizer

The fine people from SmartShopper contacted me asking if I'd be interested in trying out their product and host a giveaway. After looking more into this fabulous little gadget, I counted the days until I received it in the mail!!!

I don't know about you, but I don't always keep my grocery lists 'nice and tidy'...meaning that I may write "Tabasco sauce" on a sticky because it was near the pantry and then scribble "Bisquick" on a notepad near the fridge. Getting the sticky note and notepad together can be as hard as mixing oil and water at times. This can sometimes lead to multiple trips to the store...I realllllly dislike having to do that.

The SmartShopper saves you time, energy and money. All you have to do is press a little button and say what item you want into the speaker. As soon as you remember something random like cumin or paper plates, just press the button and forget about finding a pen and paper.

Just add each item AS YOU THINK OF THEM!

When you're ready to go to the store, just print out your list! It will categorize all your items by departments in the grocery store. You'll save oodles in gas alone by keeping your list organized resulting in less trips to the store!

Oh and if you have more things to do, like run to the bank or pick up dry cleaning you can have that printed, too! The SmartShopper will help keep you sane. ;-)

Some way cool facts about the SmartShopper :
*State-of-the-art voice recognition
*2,500 Pre-loaded items
*Built-in printer requires NO ink cartridges
*Easy-to-read LED display
*Uses four standard AA batteries
*Magnetic mount for refrigerator or wall-mount option
*Durable plastic with a brushed aluminum front
*Includes 3 paper rolls, wall mounting kit, item booklet, and instructions

The SmartShopper Electronic Grocery List Organizer is now only $69.99 at SmartShopperUSA.com with Free Shipping AND right now SmartShopperUSA.com wants to offer a $25 off discount code for their Twitter followers and their friends. Share it! Retweet it! CODE: GOQ5495

You've heard enough and want one FREE, right? I knew you would. Here's how to enter this giveaway for your chance to win one...

Leave a comment on this post with the following information: (must be a US resident) *You must follow these simple rules or else your entry will not count.*

  • Your Name & Email Address (if you don't link to your blog already) OR if you don't want to leave your email address, come back on 1/28/09 to see if you're the winner. Contest ends 1/27/09
  • Jump on over to SmartShopper and tell me something you've learned about the product and if you would keep it or who you'd give it to.

Entries will be accepted until Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2009 at 11:59pm PST.

**EARN EXTRA ENTRIES** I love extra credit! ;-) YOU MUST make a NEW entry for each extra credit item you participate in. I will visit your site to verify.

  • Earn 2 extra entries: Blog about this contest in your blog with a link to it. Include the url to your blog in your entry comment for verification.
  • Earn MORE - 2 extra entries: Snag my button (near the top right of this blog) and add it to your blog or website. If you already have it posted, you will still earn extra entries.
  • OR if you don't have a blog and would like to earn 2 extra entries....Email 5 or more of your friends about this contest and forward or copy the email to me. Please include your name on the email so I know who it is from. Here's my email address: click here
A winner will be randomly selected and announced as well as multiple alternates. The winner will also be contacted if contact info is provided. The winner will have until Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009 11:59pm PST to claim the prize by emailing his/her full name and mailing address. If the winner does not respond by the given date, the first alternate to email his/her info will receive the prize.

Click on the 'Giveaways' link on top toolbar to view the winner after the contest deadline or come back to this post. As always, I will never use your information for anything other than to contact you if you are the winner. Promise. :-)


1 – 200 of 216   Newer›   Newest»
Are You Serious! said...

♥ Very nice!!! Something I found out about it on the site is that it was shown on Rachel Ray's show! I love that there aren't any print cartridges!

I would definately be keeping it! :)

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I blogged about it... :)


Are You Serious! said...

♥ I now have your button on my blog! :)

Someone Being Me said...

That is so cool. I love that you can add your own custom items and it will remember them for next time.

Cecilia said...

That's so AWESOME!

I found out about it on the site is that it will remind you if you have coupons for that particular item!

I will keep it for sure!

Cecilia said...

I have your button on my blog!

Its Me(SARA) Behind the Camera said...

I have your button on my blog! :)

Goodluck everyone!

Mari said...

It looks like such a handy gadget! I went to the site and see that not only can I get a discount through your code, but there is fee shipping now. I would be keeping this one! Thanks for doing this!

The Blonde Duck said...

I would get into so much trouble with that thing. I'd start adding everything I could think of at the time!

momma said...

i like that the smart shopper prints the list out in grocery style format. i am always forgetting something because it was out of place with the order of the store aisles.

Jenny - email address in profile :)

momma said...

i put your button on www.ivebloggedaboutyourgiveaway.blogspot.com

Shell in your Pocket said...

Wow! Do I need this? I have a piece of paper here and another here...I didn't know you could add your own custom items..WOWWWWWW!

-Sandy toes

Mimi said...

Ooh, I would totally keept this for myself.

On the website I found out that you can flag items that you have coupons for. This is perfect for me, because I always forget to use my coupons!

My fingers are crossed!

hoerauf at comcast dot net

Itworksforbobbi said...

Okay WHERE has this thing been all my life? Wow. This is exactly what I would need. I mean, WHO DOESN'T think of things to add to the list as they go? Great idea.


Itworksforbobbi said...

I've just added your button. I can't wait to be back to visit more often!

Jodi said...

How cool is this? I love it!

Jodi said...

I blogged about your giveaway.

Wanda said...

I would totally hog it up for me.
I'm a list queen! This little gadget was created with ME in mind!
Love it.

Kristen said...

For my grocery list, I listed all the grocery store aisles and then put the items I most often purchase under the right aisle heading. I print it off and stick it to the door of my fridge each week. As I think of things, I circle them or highlight them or whatever. Sure it's a lot less high-tech, but it keeps everything in the same place and I forget things a lot less.

But this would be so much easier. What a great giveaway!

Janelle said...

I learned that it will remind you when you have coupons for certain items - how cool is THAT????

I would absolutely keep it for myself, as I NEED this!!!

Lookfortherainbow at yahoo dot com

Janelle said...

I blogged about it here: http://themonkeyroom.blogspot.com/2009/01/smart-shopper-giveaway.html

Janelle said...

I've got your button: http://themonkeyroom.blogspot.com/

Heather said...

This scatter brained mommy could definitely use one of these. :)

Our Ohana said...

How NEAT! I learned that you can tag items that you have coupons for!!! That's awesome!

This would be great for me, I am ALWAYS forgetting stuff when I go to the store!


Jess said...

What a cool thing!! I love it! I'm so super OCD about my grocery list, so this would be ah-mazing.

I love the fact that it has voice recognition, so so cool. (thats what I learned heh)


Anonymous said...

I love this thing. I like that it can attach to the refrig. Thanks
vickers at comcast dot net

becki said...

i SO want this. it would make my life heaven.
ps, i sent out an email too!

C and C girl said...

I learned that I can keep track of errand with the smartshopper and I would use this for myself.

Jaime said...

I learned that you can put your custom items in and it will remember them for future visits. How cool is that?
I would totally keep this!

My email is in my profile.

The Staley Daily said...

This is such a nice little gadget. I would pass this along to a unorganzied friend who could definitely use this. Her house is covered in sticky notes. Email: courtastaley@yahoo.com

This Mom said...

OHHHH I could really use this. I cannot tell you how many time I have walked out of the store and thought,"Man I FORGOT ...".

Though with 5 kids I am lucky I remember anything.

Carolyn G said...

I love that it prints your list. I am forever not being able to read my own list because of my scrawl.

two_blue_one_pink said...

OH I love this thing....I want one :) I learned that you can program your coupons in!

Unknown said...

Who thinks up this stuff?? Soooo AWESOME!!!

Shannon said...

Super cool! I would so keep this for myself. Very nice that it tags items you have coupons for... I am always forgetting what coupons I have.

Sky said...

I would keep this for myself...I love how you can store it right on your fridge. Handy dandy for making that list!


Dumaurier said...

I'm so un-organized this would make my life so much easier! Thanks for the giveaway

Dawn said...

I like that you don't have to use messy ink cartridges. If I won this I would keep it for myself because it would really help me to stay organized.

kaylee8 said...

I would love to have this to keep my shopping organized!

Lori said...

I found out that you can "flag" certain items that you have a coupon for :)
I would definitely keep this for myself!

Lori said...

I just posted the contest on my blog :)


Lori said...

I have your button on my blog :)


Cathy said...

Great! I definitely need this at my house!

scooter7018 said...

thats some high tech shopping list scooter 7018@aol.com

Rhea said...

What a cool gadget! Awesome giveaway!

Teresa690 said...

I would love to have this! I love the feature that flags items that you have coupons for! Thanks for the chance to win!

teresa690 at gmail dot com

Ellen C. said...

I learned that it doesn't need ink cartridges. Thanks for the chance.

ellen cunningham
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to try this new shopping gadget!

Elaine R

angie said...

I want that!

And it makes an errand list too!

I would totally keep that for myself!

Yelowflower said...

it reminds you that you have coupons...loverly feature. I would keep it for sure, my husband and I are about as unorganized as you can be and still function in society!

yelowflower at yahoo dot com

taysmommy said...

love how in prints on thermal paper...I used to work at a printing company and they have tons of that paper (which I'd get for free!)I'd also be keeping this for me.




Danielle said...

What a cool gadget! I like that you can flag a item so you know you have a coupon! I would keep it, it is way to cool to give away!


Marla said...

Would LOVE this...I am constantly going to the store because I forget one or two things. Pick me Please!
msk1222 at bex dot net

Anonymous said...

Very cool!! Wouldn't it be great to have one for the fridge and the car and then be able to easily sync them.....I always remember stuff randomly when I'm chauffering the kids around :)

Wen in OR

Anonymous said...

I have learned that after ll these years of shopping and forgetting things, there is finally an item to help thi totally scatterbrain person. Oh thank you so much for helping some old lady GET WITH IT!!

Jenny said...

I have your button on my blog!

ournitfynotebook at charter dot net

Jenny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenny said...

Sorry about the deleted comment. My comment above posted twice.

I just checked out the site and I love how it prints your list according to the categories in the grocery store! I hate when I am all the way over by the bakery and see that I forgot to get something in produce.

Of course, I would have to keep this for myself :)

ourniftynotebook at charter dot net

pmom said...

i like that it remembers things for next visit and attached to fridge.. i wud definitely keep it.

Anonymous said...

i love that you can put it on the frig. i'm always forgetting when i put my list! I'd definitely keep this for myself!

sallyanne03 said...

Oh my goodness what a great giveaway! I am the coupon queen..and when I found out that it will let me know if I have a coupon for an item...that is great! there has been many a time that I have bought things and forgot to give the cashier the coupon because I was too busy gabbing! What a great giveaway! Love it!
Sally Sundeen

Anonymous said...

I love this. I would keep it for myself. It is neat that you can mount it on the fridge.

Kristie said...

I love that I wouldn't need to buy ink cartridges!
I would love to keep it if I were to win!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

silverhartgirl said...

I would keep this. i like that it prints

PS said...

I can remind me if I have coupons for an item! LOVE IT! I would totally keep this for myself!

The Saunders Family said...

love that the list is pritnable! I would keep it...
mom2maria at hotmail

Shelley K. said...

I have been wanting one of these gadgets since I first heard about them before the holidays. They are just SO awesome. One thing I didn't know before was that you can flag an item if you have a coupon. That's pretty cool. There are just too many OTHER features that I like as well. For instance, I LOVE that it prints--no more trying to figure out what I scribbled on the list--or having my husband call and say WHAT is this supposed to mean--LOL!! He says it is like trying to go on a treasure hunt.

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed...


Literary Winner said...

It also features an errand list so you can keep track of other places you have to go.
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com

jag said...

It not only remembers grocery items but errand items as well, cool! I would keep this for myself. I need the reminders.


nape said...

I learned that even *I* could learn how to use the voice recorder and voice-activation features. My friend has a SmartShopper, and if she doesn't stop bragging about it, I'll--I'll-- well, I don't remember what I'll do. That's where a SmartShopper can help me remember what I'm doing.

Linda said...

I learned that it groups items by department. If I win, I would keep this for myself.

cindysherritt said...

Just watched the live demo and this little gadget is so cool - no ink cartridges needed, large print so your list is easy to read and you can add your errands...I could go on and on and on!! I'll be keeping this gem if I win.


cpullum said...

I totally need this! make my shopping easier and life!

cindysherritt said...

Don't have a blog, but I did email 5 of my peeps about this cool gadget and CC'd you on the email as well.
Thanks for the 2 extra credits!
Cindy Sherritt

Kit Kat K said...

This would help so much. kbamos@gmail.com

Holly said...

Wow, what a great gadget! I could definitely use a SmartShopper. I like that it uses voice recognition. That must make it fast and easy to use -- no hunting for a pen! I would keep this and use it if I won it, but I'm sure just about everyone I know could use it.

Holly said...

PS I have your button posted on my blog. :)

miller lawn service said...

How cool!!! I love that it was featured on Rachel Ray! Love her! This would make a great gift for my sis-in-law! Thanks!

Amanda and Katie said...

Oh my!!! I so need this and my husband would LOVE this. I am horrible about grocery lists and being organized. I would keep this all to myself if I won...no sharing :) I love that it organizing the list by departments, you can add errands, and flag coupons. LOVE IT!

Amanda and Katie said...

I added your button to my blog!

Amanda and Katie said...

And...I also posted about the giveaway here: http://craftinginlaymonsterms.blogspot.com/2009/01/awesome-giveaway.html

Uniquely Yours said...

I love that you can customize your list for those items that you always need instead of having to remember everytime....I would use this myself due to my short-term-memory! lol

Nikki57 said...

I love that you can customize items!

Anonymous said...

this is great

Plowlady said...

I love how there's very little upkeep of it (regarding supplies). Around here, I'm always forgetting to pick up this or that, ESPECIALY batteries and such...so for me, the little that I have to remember is GREAT! It's hard to keep lists because I'm always interrupted, so I'll have one here, there...then forget where I put them or forget to take them...this smartshopper is the answer to my problem!!

mariannakeough at hotmail.com

Plowlady said...

I've added you to my list of blogs I really like

mariannakeough at hotmail.com

dbadour said...

The Smart Shopper was featured on the Rachel Ray Show and I would keep it.

Marcy Bock said...

My favorite things about this gadget are the voice activation feature and the organization feature, where it breaks down groceries into categories. SO cool! I would definatley keep this :-)

Heather said...

I love that it is voice-activated! That is the coolest thing ever! My hubby would be so happy to see me eliminate one more piece of paper around the house by using this instead!

threesidesofcrazy said...

WOW - This would keep me sane!! I love how it groups like items together, you can't forget anything that way. I would love to eliminate that ugly tablet on the kitchen counter.

Latte Mocha Mellow said...

I love that I can create my own food list and learned that I don't have to worry about ink cartridges.My 2 special people already have one so I'd keep this for my family.

Extra credit:
I added your button to my blog.

Anonymous said...

Nina Cybulski

WOW!!! This thing is a organizing freak's DREAM (such as myself, for instance!) :o) I love that it doesn't use ink cartridges AND it lists what you add in ALPHABETICAL ORDER...What's BETTER? It takes THAT list and CATEGORIZES IT when you print....WHAT A SMART LITTLE MACHINE!!! I would TOTALLY love one for myself, but first would give one to my Grandma (who is very much an organizer like me)...SHE WOULD LOVE THIS!!! Very cool!

Michelle said...

One Word AMAZING. This makes clumsy unorganized shoppers like me look like a PRO. And I learned it also reminds you if you have coupons for the particular items you are shopping for. WOW!!! This is the Einstein of Gadgets. I would love to have and use this myself...Thank you so much for the chance =)

Lolly said...

Wow! How come I have never heard of this before? I am a control freak and list maker and to have my entire list in one spot, be reminded of coupons, and also remind myself about other errands. I would love it!

Keeping my fingers crossed here in Virginia,


furygirl3132 said...

I love that it prints the list for you and that you can speak into it to help you with other errands that you may have to run so that you don't forget. This is such a neat innovation and to me a must have. Thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway!


chris said...

love that it will remind you that you have coupons for your items -- I alwasy end up going home with one or more that I should have used. I would use it myself!

LiveLaughLoveCj said...

need to add an item? with just a push of a button - speak! That's it!!
Organizes by catagories or isles... FANTASTIC!!
Talk about a grocery shopping/errand genie! ;)

Thank you for hosting! Thank you SmartShopper!

Tasha said...

Thank you for entering me in your giveaway.


Crystal Arcand said...

With 2500 items already in its library and the ability to add things, I'd *definitely* be keeping this little beauty!
Crystal Arcand
crystal (at) 3stairs.com

Yummy Boy Mummy said...

How exciting!

The Dreamer said...

It's customizable. You can add stuff and it will remember it.

And I would totally keep it.

adams006 at hotmail dot com

Jennifer said...

I absolutely love this! I especially like that you just speak & it keeps track of everything. Seems really simple to use, too. I would TOTALLY keep this for myself. :-) Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I like how you can talk into it and it records what you want on your list. Now thats hott!
I'd keep this for myself.


Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said...

I have got to have this!I am keeping my fingers crossed! I linked you.

Meredith said...

I seriously love this thing. I saw it on another giveaway a couple months ago (didn't win) and fell in love instantly. I didn't have the $99 for it at the time, so now that the price has fallen, plus that coupon code, I might just get this if I don't win.
Heck, I might get it anyway for my sister-in-law. I showed it to her a couple of days ago (no lie) and she was awed. She wants one sooo bad too.

One of my favorite things is how cheap the refill paper is. And the paper itself. I love that the machine prints it out and that it doesn't need any ink cartridges.

Thanks for the contest and code!
~Meredith F.
rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com

Marissa said...

I totally need one of these!


Unknown said...

I learned that it is magnetic and sticks to the fridge. I would keep this one for myself!

pestkaj said...

I learned that i canput it right on my fridge because it is magnetic. Love that.

Jessica P

pestkaj at yahoo.com

Sherry G said...

what a cool contraption. i like how customizable it is!

disarray [at] onebox [dot] com

Dee said...

I learned (and love) about marking what you have coupons for. And I would keep this thing for myself!

Jamie - The Itty Bitty Teacher said...

I like that it organizes the list by the departments in the store.

Aura said...

It doesn't need ink! and it seperates by categories and alphabetically and you can store 2 lists at a time
aahaft at gmail dot com

Barely Domestic Mama said...

I'd love to win one of those! Great giveaway.

Barely Domestic Mama said...

SmartShopper was named one of the top ten products at the International Consumer Electronics Show.

If I won this, I would keep for myself. I can use all the help I can get organizing myself in the grocery store and just errands in general. :)

Barely Domestic Mama said...

I've already got your button on my site. :)

southerninspiration said...

Oh, man that could be a GIRLS BEST FRIEND!! I love that it will remind me when I have coupons!! Totally cool, for sure I would keep it for myself!! ;)

LV said...

I like the fact that it organizes the grocery items by category.
Lisa Vance

Xenia said...

I hate when I have coupons but forget to use them, I love that this would remind me! I'd definitely keep it for myself.


Anonymous said...

I love that the Smart Shopper stores and prints your list by catergory! How awesome is that?

If I won, I would give this to my husband. He usually does the grocery list and shopping since I don't have time during the week and he LOVES gadgets of any kind so he would be thrilled!

Thanks for the opportunity!


Alice H said...

I would definitely keep it for myself! I learned that there is a 90 day warranty, which isn't bad. And there seems to be great customer service for it. Thanks for the chance! alicedemske at hotmail.com

Steph said...

This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen! I'd really love to win!

Stephanie S.

KV Creative Designs said...

THanks for this fabulous giveaway! I love that the SmartShopper organizes the list for you by catagory/Dept. That would make it so easy! Love this idea!
Thanks again,

Unknown said...

What a cool gadget! It really reminds me to use my coupons? Good! I can quit slapping myself in the forehead when I get home!! I would love to have his hanging on my fridge! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I have your button here: http://dun4fun-hondaray6.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...


It comes with 2500 items already listed and an errand list. I would keep it and share it with my forgetful husband.

Anonymous said...

I'm probably gonna have to just buy this. I checked out the website, and I love that it can be attached via a magnet! If I won, I just would have to keep it for myself!

auntrene said...

Wow, This is fantastic. I checked out the site and learned it will save me TIME. Can't everyone use more Time. I know I can. Also it said that the ink cartridge doesn't need replaced. Wonderful. Sure looks like a great product. You asked if I would keep it or give it away.. KEEPING IT, well if I win.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great time saving item would love it Pam

BloggessJ said...

Sounds like I might need one of these!

Tim said...

Looks like it would be a helpful item to have. Thanks for the giveaway.

mommy4life said...

So cool! I'd love to have one. I am always forgetting to pick something up. I love the feature of grouping categories together when it prints! Please enter me!

jewelstreet said...

OOH, I love this! Technology at it's best. I learned that you can print your grocery list.

My email is attached to my blog.

Reeni said...

This will never require an ink cartridge!! How cool is that! I love it! As a food blogger this would come in super-handy! I would keep it for myself!!

Justine said...

Okay, this is the coolest gadget, and I truly need it! I think one of the greatest things about it is that it's magnetic and can just sit on the fridge. Ooh, me wants one!

Justine :o )

Annie said...

Annie annieblogs@hotmail.com

I love that it doesn't need ink cartridges!! That is great! I would keep this one for myself, what a great tool!

Annie said...

I blogged about the give away here: http://flyinannie.blogspot.com/2009/01/awesome-giveaway.html

Annie said...

I blogged about your giveaway here: http://juniormintsreeses.blogspot.com/2009/01/awesome-giveaway.html

Annie said...

I have your button here: http://flyinannie.blogspot.com/

Annie said...

I have your button here! http://juniormintsreeses.blogspot.com/

Berek said...

this would be wicked handy. We're forever losing grocery lists from the refrigerator or triple jotting canned milk on scratch paper.

Debbie said...

I love the reminder of when you have a coupon. That is great! And I would keep it. I'm selfish like that.

Judie said...

I learned that it doesn't take ink cartridges ( YEA) and that it lets you know when you have a coupon. I really need one of these. I have so many lists all over the place and when I go to the store I usually forget to take them. Judie

Judie said...

I e-mailed this sweeps to 5 of my friends----Judie

Unknown said...

It reminds you that you have coupons! I'd give it to my daughter because she's a savvy shopper!


patcharper at gmail dot com

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I so want one of these, I'm so bad at work I'm known as the sticky note queen. The problem with them is they end up on the bottom of my shoes more then in my purse at the store!

I love that it is easy to read 9 point font. That's important since my eyes are failing me most days.

And it would so be for me! Thanks so much!

Tamara B. said...

I love that you can add errands and flag your coupons. Such a great product! I would keep it for myself and love using it.

Nicole said...

Love that you can add whether the item on the has a coupon. I would definitely keep this.

Cassie said...

Thank goodness I saw you on SITS today! I'm not sure how I missed this post! I checked it out and learned that you can add your own favorite products if they are not in the memory bank already!


Cassie said...

Your button is already on my blog sidebar!

Leah said...

I love that if an item or errand isn’t in the SmartShopper database already, it’s very easy to add your own custom items and use them over and over again.

Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))


camper223 said...

How many things can I say that I love about the smart shopper and I want one, all of them.I like that it organizes items per dept, you can list amount. I have teens and their favorite thing is to tell me when I’m busy what they need or what from the store and my number one saying in my house is:
which is hanging on our fridge. They never do, so we’re at the store and needless to say it doesn’t get purchased. My husbands comment if I send him to the store I didn’t see that wrote on the list. This would save my family nightmare, as it seems so simple even my husband could do it.
Oh please make me a winner and save my grocery sanity.
Thank you


rebel said...

I would LOVE to win this smartShopper. I read that all you have to do is speak into it the item you need and when ready to go shoppin' it will print out a list and your list will be organized by grocery departments!
I definitely would keep this for myself. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that this gadget organizes your list into the grocery store departments. I always find myself forgetting something on my list when I get ready to check out and have to go all the way back to the produce or bread aisle to pick it up! The organized printed list would make shopping with a 2 year old so much more efficient. And, if you haven't figured it out...I would be selfish and keep this thing ALL to myself! Thanks so much for the chance! heatheraroy at hotmail dot com.

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

When you print out your list it will be organized by grocery departments.


Michelle said...

Oh how cool! I sooooo need one of these as I'm past the point of using stickies. I know that the stickies won't make it with me to the store so I try to pretend I'm just going to "remember" what I need. HA!

I didn't realize that this had brand name stuff, so you know what you REALLY want which is critical with coupons! Love it!

Vinyl Rocks My World said...

Oh my, this is an amazing gadget! This would save so much time and paper.. not to mention wandering around the aisles!
That is so neat that you can remind yourself you have a coupon! I ALWAYS forget that I have a coupon until I'm headed out into the parking lot!
You'd better believe I would keep this for myself.. but I know my roommates could definitely use it too.

Simply amazing. Can't I have a birthday coming up? (Hope I win so I don't have to ask for it as a gift!) :O)
toastyourjellyfish [at!] hotmail.com

Veronica said...

I have to say this is the coolest thing since sliced bread! I could only imagine how much this would make my life so much easier. Thanks for a great giveaway :)

Diva Scrapper said...

What a super gadget. I love a couple of things about it..love that I can record what I need, sometimes I just don't have pen and paper readily available when I think of what I need...also I love that it is magnetic..I will have a place for it always..on the fridge. Super gadget!

silverhartgirl said...

I learned that you can put your custom items. I love that

chani said...

I think it's cool that the technology may be used for other products in the future.

I would totally keep this.


Trish said...

Ohhh, I love this.

I always try to categorize my lists and never seem to be able to do it correctly.

I'm off to grab your button to link onto my blog since I found you through someone else.......

Trish said...

alright, your button is on my blog now (and forever!)

Ann On and On... said...

This is so cool...being on a student budget can get tricky. I'm crossing my fingers.

LiveLaughLoveCj said...

First of all what's not to love with all it's organization features!?! I'm in love!

I love that you can add items and it remembers, I love that there are no ink cartridges, I love that it has such a large library of items already stored in it... and so on and so on and so on.

This would be for me ALL for me!! I share so much of everything with everyone else, this baby would be mine all mine! :)

LiveLaughLoveCj said...

I gladly have your button on my sidebar :)

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Wow what a fab giveaway!

And check out that traffic!


Anonymous said...

I love how this doesn't need ink or toner! Fabulous! And I would probably give this to my mom....well, probably! ;)

Vanessa C.

Tricia said...

I love that you can add other errands to it too! It looks so easy to use, I think even my kids could use it. Great giveaway!

Safire said...

I love that you can add other errands to it! I love making lists and this would be so helpful! I would keep it for me. As a mommy of twins, I need all the help I can get!


Safire said...

Blogged about it Here:


Mimi said...

I would have to keep this for myself, I SO need it!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I blogged about your giveaway :)


Entry #2

Mama Dawg said...

So cool! Found you via SITS.

I like the fact that you can print out your shopping list right there. No need for a computer!


Mama Dawg said...

I just blogged about it. Look at the section above my latest post. I keep all contest info there until the contest is over. Better than a regular post!

Steph said...

I want one of these so badly!

One thing I learned is that it takes AA batteries. And while that's not a big deal to some, it is to me. I end up buying batteries in bulk because we're constantly running out. Adding one less type of battery I have to buy to my list makes my life that much easier.

Mama Dawg said...

Whoops! Here's the link to my blog entry!


Mama Dawg said...

Added your button to my badges category on the left side of my blog.


Steph said...

I just added your button!

Carolyn said...

I learned that they are on sale right now for 49.99 so grab 'em while their hot!


Jammie said...

I want one! State-of-the-art voice recognition will make it easy to compose a list without having to repeat myself 100 times.

Valerie said...

Love this item. I found out that I can put my errands in it also. I love that it will store new items.

Great giveaway!

Booklogged said...

I learned that you don't need to buy and replace printer ink. And you can add errands to the list. I love this gadget!

Booklogged said...

I posted your button on my blog.

In Season

Rebecca Jo said...

I would for SURE be keeping it! And what do I love about it - that it breaks things into categories!!!

wendy wallach said...

I like that you can tag things that have coupons and I would probably keep this one for myself.

wendy wallach
madamerkf at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that it doesn't require an ink cartridge since it has thermal printing. And I love the fact that I can mark which items I have coupons for, because I always forget my coupons. I would definitely keep it for myself. Email: jennae {at} greenyourdecor {dot} com

Corisimo Capucci said...

I have been drooling over these for a month now. So cool!

Preston said...

This is totally cool. I would be greed and keep it for myself because I never make shopping lists and I always forget something. The thing I like best is that you can easily add any custom word to it so you can fit the library to what you shop for.

Rachel Ann said...

That has got to be one of the coolest things I've seen in a long while...and it has pre-programmed items so you don't have to type each out! fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! This gadget is so cool and would help me so much in getting organized. I love that there is no ink cartridges to replace.

petteytiffany@yahoo.com said...

pick me

Amy said...

Ok, I learned that right now Smart Shopper is available on for $49.99 and wonder if I can use the coupon code on top of that?!

But if I win this contest, I won't have to spend any pennies at all!

Check out http://4thfrog.blogspot.com post titled "All Around the Blogosphere" for the props I gave this giveaway.

Samantha P said...

i love that you can mark items that you have coupons for, that's such a great idea!

and i will be keeping it for me! i could really use this.

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit here! I linked from Fourth Frog's Blog as soon as I read about the giveaway of this cool gadget. I sooo need it! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Carole Friend

birrrd said...

Cool I would love to win this. I like how you can add custom items. I would love to keep it but would probably give it to my grandma in law who has macular degeneration. I think it would help her a lot. Thanks.

Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE said...

This is such an amazing product. I have been thinking about picking one up.

I love that you can add errands to your list as well.


Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE said...

I've had your button for awhile now - love reading your blog.


Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE said...

If I don't pick one up for myself - ie don't end up with one later today - I will definitely be keeping it for myself.

I'm also thinking this could be a great gift for my sister though - mmmm wonder who will win out??

Anonymous said...

The coupon feature is the best feature. How many times you have you bought a product only to remember you've got a coupon for it *after* you get home?
That and the fact that I'd no longer strain to try to read my messing writing on my handwritten shopping list. lol

Nyssa AT concentric DOT net

Anonymous said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO need this to keep me from losing my mind!

Looks like an easy to use handy-dandy gaget!


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